Chapter 14

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“Good morning!” I chirped, walking into Daddy’s room at the hospital.

“Morning baby,” Mom answered, giving me a tired smile.

“Morning little one,” Chloe replied, looking about as tired as Mom.

I only got a grunt from Kyle as he lay on the couch against the wall.

“Well you all look tired. Why don’t you all go home for a little bit, get some sleep? I’ll stay here with Daddy and I’ll call if anything changes,” I suggested, handing each of them the coffee I had brought with me.

“I can’t leave,” Mom protested.

“Mom, you’re going to make yourself sick if you don’t get some rest and some decent food in your system. If you keep it up, it’s going to be you in the hospital. We’re all worried about you. Please, just go home for a couple hours and rest,” I persuaded.

“Come on Ma, we can use some rest,” Chloe said, standing up from her chair.

I smiled as I realized Chloe still called Mom, “ma”. It made sense, though. Grandma and Grandpa died when Chloe was four, so Mom and Dad have raised her as their own ever since. She’s only a year older than the twins and she fit right in. She knows Dad’s her brother, but she’s always said she thinks of him more as a father than a brother. I’ve always thought it was sweet.

“Okay, but call me if anything changes,” Mom relented, standing up to leave.

“I will. I promise,” I said, standing up to hug her.

She kissed Daddy’s cheek before walking out of the room. Chloe dragged Kyle to his feet before kissing Daddy’s forehead and following Mom out, Kyle in tow.

“Bye guys,” I called as I sat back down and took Daddy’s hand in both of mine.

It had been a week since the boys arrived and things couldn’t have been better. Cain and Asher were enjoying themselves tremendously. They were staying with Cayden and Tristan at Tristan’s house since I was still going from house to house. We had set the beds that Cayden bought up in his room so the boys were right there when he woke up. Cayden said it made him feel better to know they weren’t far away. The boys were being spoiled tremendously by everyone. They were never alone, always on the move between everyone. It made me smile to know that my sons were so loved.

Jen and Parker had arrived with my truck about five days after James. They couldn’t stay and I had just finished dropping them off at the airport when I arrived at the hospital. James had decided to stay since he lived with Kyle and Kyle was staying for Chloe. It worked out great since he got on great with everybody. Cayden had some jealousy issues at first until I assured him that James was happily dating Jen. After that, they became friends, no problem. He was staying at Liam and Tegan’s house.

Kyle had met Talon and Easton, along with everybody else. Talon and Easton gave him the usual big brother talk while Kyle stood looking like he was preparing to be punched. I stood off to the side with James, laughing. Kyle wasn’t so happy with us, but he got over it quickly. Everyone was getting along and having a great time spending time with each other.

“Hey Daddy, Jeremy said you’re completely off the medication and now it’s all up to you. Wake up Daddy, please. I need you. Everyone loves Cain and Asher. I knew they did, but it’s great to see it, you know? Cayden’s great with them. I’m constantly beating myself up when I watch them. I can’t believe I kept them apart for this long. I know I did what I thought was best at the time, but that doesn’t mean I don’t regret it,” I said, looking down at Daddy.

As I talked to Daddy, telling him everything that was going on in my life, I continued to hold his hand between mine. Daddy was off all of the machines aside for the IV and the heart monitor, which couldn’t make me happier. I couldn’t wait until he woke up. I missed my Daddy and I needed him here with me.

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