Chapter 7 ※ Levi

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Chapter 7: Curiosity

A couple of days have passed and there was still no sign of (Y/N) anywhere. The Survey Corps have traveled further than we have ever done before.

"Troops, we'll stop here for today." Erwin announced, breaking me from my thoughts. Everyone started setting up their tents and tying their horses to the trees. Others collected water and went off stocking up our food supply. By the time everyone has settled down, it was already dark and all were preparing for the night. Unfortunately, the snoring of the cadets kept me wide awake the entire time.

"Sigh...walking around wouldn't kill..." I got up from the rent, disregarding the 3DMG. After all, the titans would be sleeping now. The cool wind greeted me, tangling my hair now and then as I ventured further into the evergreen woods. My thoughts gradually wandered to (Y/N). She certainly looked extremely well,, better than when she was cooped up in the walls surrounded by piles and piles of paper work. She looked free, happy as if there was nothing to hold her back anymore. Her skills certainly did improve a lot. Killing titans without a 3DMG, that's basically impossible, but that was (Y/N). The one who did the impossible. And those eyes...those mesmerizing eyes...they do still capturing me, call to me, luring me into their depths. But know, they no longer had that glow they once held, only leaving behind a cold, dark, emotionless state.

And that's because of me...

I created her into this mindless machine. A shell, a container, a soldier...a monster. I created her into something I wished would not have become of her.

I used her, thinking that she would not have to figured out what I was doing behind her back...

And she did.

I made her into this.

It's my fault that she turned like that.

I could still remember the day I first saw her...

"(Y/N) and Johnson." Erwin announced to the pale faced cadets who were waiting for their turn. It was the first day the new batch of cadets were going to test out each other's fighting skills. For me, it was my first day being corporal. The two cadets emerged from the crowd--a girl slightly shorter than me and a boy twice her height, three times her size. The girl looked as if she hasn't eaten for weeks and her clothes were sizes too big for her. But what caught my attention was her (E/C) eyes. Her (S/C) skin made those eyes stand out from all her other features.

"Not to be offense Commander Erwin. But must I really fight her?" Johnson questioned, over confidence laced in his tone.

"Yes. What seems to be the problem cadet?"

"I mean, a girl and she's so weak. Look at her, she's the definition of a stick. She will..." Johnson's sentence was interrupted by a punch to his jaw, sending him to the ground. My eyes traveled to the fuming girl, her fist still shaking with anger. (Y/N) crouched over the fallen cadet, straddling him. She trailed her fingers down his neck stopping at the bottom of his collarbone before forcefully pressing it down. Johnson's body immediately went limp under her as she stood up from her position and walked back to her position at the back, near the table, the crowd parting into two when she passed. She lazily lie down on the table, her legs dangling at the edge, her hands covering her eyes as Erwin continued to examine the rest of the cadets. There was just something about her that just urges me to want to know more about her.

Unbeknownst to me, I wandered deeper into the forest, my surroundings to myself. was true that I was titled as Humanity's Strongest. But being coped up in my room without any contact with the outside world can certainly do much to you. And now, here I was, standing in the middle of nowhere in this forest with no weapons to defend myself. Quickly, I climbed the tree next to me, all the way to the top, trying to find my way back to the campsite. Scanning the area from the top of the tree, I found a light at the near end of the far stretched forest.

"Did I really walk that far?" I said, my eyebrows creasing together, "well, only one way to find out." I climbed down and headed to that direction of the forest. It did not that a long time for me to reach my destination. As I got closer and closer, I noticed that it was a cabin instead. Knocking on the door awaiting for an answer, I received. After giving up for a few more times, I twisted the door knob just to try my luck. The door creaked open as light escaped from the slight opening. Peeking into the cabin, I was surprised by the fact that a neatly, dust-free interior greeted me. Warm light filled the cabin while the smell of wood wavered in the air. Furniture were polished to the maximum shine, seemingly reflecting off the light. Candles were placed along the wall of the cabin. Books were tightly packed into their respective places, according to alphabetical order and the windows were as clear as freshly fallen rain. Curiosity led me further into the cabin, surveying every room. Drawings filled one of the rooms. They were drawn extremely detailed and obviously by a very skilled hand who undoubtedly was very gifted.

I continued my exploration towards the basement, forgetting about the Survey Corps...

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