Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Liam had never felt more proud than he did stepping into that dance with Emma on his arm.

"There are so many people..." she gasped, holding tighter to him

Liam patted her hand resting on his arm. "I'm right here with you."

He felt Emma relax and his chest tightened. Hell, he'd been a loner his entire life but Emma had busted down a wall and awoken a part of him Liam hadn't known existed.

No other woman had ever even briefly tempted him to settle down but Liam knew that by the end of tonight he'd be asking Emma to be his wife.

"Everyone is so pretty," Emma gasped.

Liam glanced around the crowded barn at the mass of people milling about. They were talking, eating and dancing to the music currently filling the dusty, lantern lit space.

Everyone was dressed in their best but no one could hold a candle to Emma. "There's Kyle and Chase. Come on and I'll introduce you."

Liam gently guided Emma through the crowd, careful to prevent her from bumping into anyone. He knew how uncomfortable and fearful Emma was with strangers.

"Liam?" Kyle greeted with surprise. "We didn't think you were coming. You didn't mention it yesterday."

Chase grinned and elbowed Kyle's ribs. "She must have beat him until he gave in."

Emma sunk further into him as she shook her head. "I would never hurt Liam."

Kyle tipped his head. "Forgive Chase. He doesn't mean to say stupid things—it just happens."

Liam chuckled quietly. "He's a natural."

Liam looked down into Emma's nervous blue eyes and smiled. "Emma, this is Kyle and Chase." He pointed to each of them in turn. "They've been my friends since we were boys. They're good men and I trust them. You can too, I promise."

Chase batted his lashes and laid a hand over his chest. "I think that might just be the nicest thing Liam's ever said about us, Kyle."

Kyle rocked back on his heels. "I believe you're right. I wonder if the pigs down the road are flying."

Liam glowered at the brain-addled duo. "You two, this is Emma Hawke."

Chase made a big show of bowing deeply before taking Emma's hand and kissing it. Emma all but yanked her hand away and appeared ready to race for the door.

Chase, however, seemed undeterred. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Emma. You are a beauty beyond compare and I am only sorry that Liam saw you first."

Kyle smacked him on the back of the head and Chase grinned sheepishly. "Pardon him, please, Emma. He means well," Kyle assured her.

Liam watched Emma carefully He wondered what was going on in her sheltered mind. Surprise filed him when she smiled and no longer cowered against him. "It's very nice to meet ya both."

"It's good to finally truly be introduced," Kyle agreed.

"We've been watching you since you came to town," Chase added.

Emma bit her lip. "You have?"

"Yeah, Liam gave us strict instructions to watch you and protect you as if you were.... What was the word?" Chase asked, glancing at Kyle.

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