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The companions saw nothing in the darkness. There was a faint jingle of rusty keys, followed by the rasping of the lock as it resisted turning. Then the squealing of the door as its ancient hinges were roused from slumber for the second time that day.

"Who goes there?" demanded Krom, as if the companions were not the ones locked up in the dungeon.

"It is but a lowly guide, come to retrieve his lost travelers."


What was he doing there? Had he come to taunt them, to deceive them more? Perhaps he'd somehow come to rescue them. Skylar's emotions vacillated between an impossible hope and a bitter anger.

"I've brought you your swords," said Lin. "Though, I doubt you'll need them. Only two guards are on duty. Witless fools. I slipped past them with ease."

"But how did you escape in the first place?" asked Skylar, making no effort to conceal the accusation in his tone.

"No time for stories, young master. We must be clear of this tunnel before the others return."

"He's right," agreed Krom. "Direct us, Lin, and we shall follow as you command."

"But how do we know we can trust him?" argued Skylar. "He already betrayed us once..."

"Fine—stay locked up in this dungeon. I shan't make you come."

There was a clinking and scraping of metal as Krom, Lasseter, and Endrick took their swords from Lin. Then Lin led them quietly out of the dungeon cell and up the stairs.

"If it makes you feel any better," Endrick whispered as he passed Skylar, "I still think the fellow's mad."

Skylar stood in silence, watching the black forms of his companions follow Lin out of the dungeon. Can't they see that this man cannot be trusted? He'll just lead us into some other trap. Despite his feelings against Lin, he did have to admit to himself that Lin's return surprised him. There was nothing to be done, however, except to follow.

The two guards left on duty were sitting at the long makeshift table in the main hall, downing flagons of ale and talking loudly.

"Two poor excuses for guards," said Krom quietly, as they spied around the corner. "Shall we rush upon them?"

"Aye," said Endrick eagerly. "Then we can lock them in that foul hole they put us in."

"No," objected Lin. "They may be drunk, but they're still armed. I have a better plan."

When Lin had finished telling his plan, Skylar admitted that it sounded good. Still, coming from Lin, he was suspicious and urged his companions to choose a different strategy.

"Why don't we sneak up on them?" suggested Skylar. "In this lighting, they'd probably not notice us crawling on the floor or lurking in the shadows."

"Any plan is likely to succeed with those two as our opponents," added Endrick. "No doubt this will end with them shooting one another, no matter what we do."

"Don't count on it," said Krom. "Those two were born drunk. They're more deadly than they appear. We go with Lin's plan. Skylar, you'll be the bait."

Seeing no point in arguing further, Skylar slipped away from the others to position himself near the dungeon. The companions and Lin, meanwhile, hid themselves within the shadows of the first open portal along the main tunnel. The smell of the dungeon burned Skylar's nostrils before he even reached the top of the stairs. He shuddered at the thought of being locked up there again.

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