Chapter 26

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Skylar was caught off guard as she left the chapel, hoping to stick to Link’s words and trust her instincts when she saw Pepper walking towards her with Fraser, another of her charges. They were chatting amicably when they spotted her descending the front steps, waving her over in a way that made her smile at getting to meet another charge in a good situation that was none of her doing. If anyone questioned why she was suddenly meeting all these new people, she could easily explain it as Pepper’s way of making her feel welcome on campus. After a brief introduction, shaking of hands and whatnot, she couldn’t help but admit to her personal knowledge of his life. “And how’s Mara keeping? Is she alright?” She asked, with a deep tone of concern in her voice that spoke to only Fraser but he waved it off and said she was just the usual so that Pepper didn’t cotton on to the secret that Skylar clearly had. No-one knew about Mara’s start of health and that was how it should have stayed, so once Pepper had introduced them and let them have a random chat about what classes they shared and how they had missed each other at the party the night before, he let Pepper go off to speak to Devin, who she saw a little bit ahead and lingered behind.

“How do you know about Mara?” Fraser questioned her the instant Pepper was out of earshot, but she didn’t know how to pass it off, having to think on her feet as she explained that she and Mara had the same doctor and in the surgery, unfortunately there are a lot of gossips that tell people other people’s business. “Yeah, she said that. She’s not doing great, it’s hitting her pretty hard. She really wanted to go to the party last night but after getting ready for it she was knackered. I didn’t want to push her so we just went for a quiet walk on the beach to get her out and went home again.” He explained it the best he could, knowing that somehow she knew everything and it was okay to tell her whatever he felt and it would also give him someone to talk to about the whole experience. No-one else knew, it could only be a good thing to have Skylar there if he ever needed her, particularly for Mara’s sake. She would need someone to talk to eventually and another girl could be a benefit to her recovery.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Just know that I know it will be okay. I feel it.” She touched his arm in understanding, practically whispering the words to him, making him smile in appreciation. He really was warming to the thought of taking her back to the flat and introducing her to Mara so they could sit and chat and get to know each other. If she knew so much about it then she would be able to help Mara understand herself and what she was going through, and at least talk it through with someone other than the doctors.

“I don’t know how you feel it but I trust you. Somehow I trust that you’re sure about everything you say and think and feel. What I’m saying is I’ll tell Mara what you said and she’ll be happy when I tell her I believe you.” Fraser was happy to hear Skylar offering to be available whenever she was needed, for his sake or for Mara’s. Even if he just wanted to talk to her about his girlfriend then she would be there and he couldn’t have been more grateful for it. He couldn’t go to his best friends or the doctors in case they thought something was wrong with Mara or he was depressed by it all. They had been together for four years, he needed her and he needed her to be happy and able to talk to someone about how she felt and what her worries were. If she couldn’t do that, then she would risk losing her sanity or getting cabin fever being stuck in the flat all by herself with no-one but him to talk to do. He had to face facts, it was a good thing Skylar knew. She would be a big help for both of them.


Angelo knew that the only way he was going to get through his night without any more heartache at seeing the girl he loved happy with another guy, would be to go through to the living room and sit with Raya while Joey did what he had to do. “Hey Angelo…” Joey sighed, leaving Raya’s side as he approached, rubbing his chin pensively. “Is there somewhere I can talk to Chris in private? I have a feeling he might try make trouble about this, so I don‘t want him making a scene and pissing everyone off.” He reasoned thoughtfully, glancing back at Raya as she curled up on the sofa, trying to keep warm.

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