Down the Drain

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"I know it's you two." Randall's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Shit," I muttered as Peter let go of me and opened the door a crack.

Randall peeked his head in and laughed, "Wow, more clothes than I anticipated."

"Ew," I said, moving to the side so he wouldn't rub up against me when he slipped inside. Peter shut the door behind him and locked it. 

"So I take it you have something to say?" He asked Peter.

"What makes you say that?" the sarcasm in his voice is evident. 

"Okay, what the fuck is this?"He demanded, grabbing my hand and flashing the ring at him.

"It's a ring, a type of jewelry made to fit around the finger."

I could see Peter's jaw tighten, "Cut the shit."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"This ring is doing something to her, and I want to know what it is."

"Yeah, I'd kind of like to know too," I add, but they could barely hear me through the thick testosterone that filled the room.

"She must be having a reaction to it. Oh well, She'll be fine." He admired his reflection in the mirror as he said it. 

"Bullshit." I said, pulling the ring off my hand, "What are you doing to me?"

"Nothing you need to worry about."

"Oh fuck off," I said, walking over to the sink and dangling the ring over the exposed drain.

I saw him tense a little, but he fought to keep his expression even.

"You don't want to do that," Randall warned. 

"I don't want to be drained," I said, hanging the jewelry from the very tip of my finger and swinging it around a little bit just to daunt him.

"But I'm sure you don't want your whole family to be murdered right here." He sneered. 

I glared at him.

"Bowen, just stop," Peter said softly. 

"Is this a problem for you?" Randall turned his attention to Peter.

Peter snorted, "Your crazy ass is definitely a problem."

"But what's it to you? Why do you care about the girl and her families well being?"

I pulled my outstretched arm back to myself but didn't put it on just yet. I was much more interested in Peters answer than I cared to admit. 

"I don't, I just want to stop this. I'm tired of you doing this stuff."

"Sounds like a darn shame," Randall turned to Peter and patted him on the shoulder, then moved back to the door, " Make sure to clean her up when you're done with her."

My lip curled at the venom in his comment as he opened the door and stepped out. Peter lunged after him through the doorway, but before he could stop him from rounding the corner into the main room Randall turned around, eyes flaming.

"If you do anything I will kill everyone in that room." He growled.

I grabbed Peter by the shoulder, "Peter stop."

He didn't look at me and I felt fear curl my stomach. I knew he wouldn't hesitate to do whatever he damn well pleased. And I could feel the anger in his tensed shoulder.

But to my never ending surprise he relaxed a bit and took a step back from Randall, who smiled triumphantly and disappeared back to the party.

"Well fuck." he muttered, sliding his sunglasses back over his eyes.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

His eyebrows twitched, " Are you disappointed?"

"No," I said quickly, "I just don't know what was stopping you."
He seemed to consider this for a moment. The skin on his forehead crinkled.

"I don't know," He said, almost to himself, "We should head back out there, people will notice you're gone."

I cringed at the idea of having to go and play along with that twisted lie. Having to laugh and smile at the man who was probably killing me slowly was almost too much to bear. Especially now that I'd finally gotten to talk to Peter, in any form. But I took a deep breath slid the ring back on because I had no other choice. 

"Okay, I'll go first," I said, picking up the front of my dress and heading towards the main room. Before I got too far a hand shot out to stop me.


He paused like he hadn't meant to do it, "It's just... We'll fix this, okay?"

"Are you saying you care?"

"I'm not sure," his expression was tight, almost confused.

I couldn't help the little bubble of laughter that burst out of my throat.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." I waved the question away and leaned up to kiss him lightly on the cheek. Before he had the chance to react I took off, smiling stupidly. 

Randall was wrong. The demon hadn't replaced the real Peter. That sweet, good natured person still existed in some way. I wasn't sure if it was Peter changing the demon or vice versa. Change might not even be the right word. But something was happening, and for some reason, it was giving me hope. 

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