Chapter 2

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The first thing Nicole noticed as she became conscious was the silence surrounding her. Not silence when twigs would be snapping, or the sound of her ragged breath filling the air. This was a different silence. She'd grown so accustomed to the harmonious chirping of birds, and the howling of the wind throughout her journey in the woods that she wasn't certain whether or not she was surrounded by natural silence.

She allowed her eyes to flutter open and tried her best to get acquainted with the light around her. Next, she noticed the white walls above her. From what she'd seen from the many days she'd been running in the forest, there were no walls in the trees. Well, none that she'd encountered. The walls were polished in what could probably be the finest paint in the world.

Moving her head from side to side, she saw that she was hooked up to machines, where a faint beeping seemed to be coming from. When she tried to put her head back into its upright position, the movement made her aware of the injuries she had received. Her neck ached and bringing her hand up to investigate, she felt a large bandage there. Someone had tended to her wounds. But why would anyone want to save her? A stranger...A rogue. Because she was practically a rogue. She'd left her home and her family with no idea where she was headed.

The room was illuminated by rays of sunlight entering through the windows. 'What day is it?' She thought. And where is she?

The last thing she could remember was being...attacked. She'd expected to die from such a vicious attack by such a creature. Though werewolves were creatures, rogues were on a totally higher level of danger.

She couldn't possibly be in heaven. Heaven certainly has no machines that beeped alongside her bed. She knew she could only be in a hospital. But where? She looked around the room wondering if she'd been here before. Had her father found her? Or was she captured?

The door was suddenly pushed open and she watched as a man came into view. But not just any man. A doctor. He seemed to be around his late forties or early fifties but in a werewolf sort of age. Only a few strands of his hair were grey.

The doctor was certainly surprised at finding her awake, and that was clearly shown by his facial expression.

"You're awake," was the first thing he said, before moving further into the room. He went forward and checked the machines before moving to remove the I.V from her hand. He then explained to her the injuries that she had received from the attack, and she silently released a breath upon hearing that her wounds would heal and she would be back to her normal self in no time. Great! She needed to be out of this place as soon as possible.

There wasn't much that Nicole could say or do. That rogue had almost killed her, and there was no denying that fact. But she could remember him running away before she had fully lost consciousness. That was unlike a rogue. He must've sensed something or someone to have bolted at such speed.

She looked at the doctor. "Who are you?" This was one of the top questions on her mind. And she did have a lot of questions that she needed to be answered. Like how she got here, who had saved her, and when she could leave.

"I'm Dr. Paul," the doctor replied. Even if he had expected her to give her name, she wouldn't have. She needed to get out of there- and quickly. She needed to be as far away from her dad as possible. And having been in a coma for what could possibly be days, she knew she'd need to catch up on the distance she needed to cover.

As she thought about leaving, she wondered where her new home would now be. Where was she headed? Her near-death experience only made her realize how dangerous it is being a female werewolf and in the wild on her own. She knew she could defend herself. Packs' rules were that every female werewolf needed to train to be able to defend herself from the age of fifteen. She knew quite a bit to attack someone, but it's not every time she will see her attacker in time. Like when she'd stopped to drink some water. She should've seen him coming through. With Alpha blood, wolves' senses were always heightened, more so than average wolves. Yet, it was too late, and he was too strong for her to ward off.

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