Chapter 1

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As promised to you loves....

Winter's POV:

Urgh...where am I? I sat upright to see 4 white walls surrounding me and an irritating beeping machine.

"Oh, you're awake. " A middle aged man announced surprised as he walked into my room with a clipboard.

"Who are you and where am I?" I asked confused as I look down at the white baggy dress I'm wearing.

"If you still haven't figured out Ms Winter, you are in the hospital and I'm your doctor."

"Why am I here?"

"Seems like you passed out on the pavement just outside a dress store and was apparently sent here." Oh...

"Is it anything wrong with me?"

"Not at all miss. You just passed out due to the lack of oxygen going to your head. Have you been stressed lately?" He asked concernly as he jotted things down on his paper.

"Maybe I guess? I need to find a job-oh no! I have an interview! What time is it?!" I panicked as I searched for a clock to tell me the time.

"It's 7:35 in the morning miss." Oh dear the interview starts at 12!

"I got to go! " Jumping down the bed, my steps wobbled a little before regaining it's balance,enough for me to change out of the hospital dress and into my leggings and top and to wear my shoes.

"Miss! You can't go!" He shouted as he chased me down the hallways of the hospital and out of the main doors before giving up.

Phew...that was close. Slowing my pace, I started to walk briskly back to my place which thankfully is only 10 minutes away from the neighbourhood hospital.

Sigh...I wonder if I will get the job this time...I've been rejected 3 times in a row by 3 different companies, all saying that they prefer males over females as males are less whiny. How can they do that?! They are seriously being sexist.

Stepping out of the lift, I was greeted to a scene of black and blue.

"Hi miss, do you know who lives there?" A policeman came over to ask me as he pointed at my door.

"That's my house? Why?" He looked surprised first and looked down apologetically.

"We are sorry miss but your house was burnt down yesterday night. We tried to contact the owner but realised that you cannot be reached." What? M-my house w-was burnt d-down?

"Who did it?" I asked softly, trying to suppress the sadness in my voice.

"From our cctv, it seems that it was done by a gang of loan sharks. Do you have any chance owe them any money young lady?" I shook my head slightly first before nodding, causing him to look at me weirdly.

"It is not me who owe them but my dad. He ran away at night one day without me knowing, leaving me with a huge sum of dept to pay off." He looked at me sympathetically as he jotted down details.

"Do you live alone?" I nodded. "Do you want to move out temporarily or there?" I have no where else to go and not to say no money to rent a room.

"I'll stay." He looked at me with pity in his eyes before nodding and rounding up his fellow members to go back.

Sighing, I open the door to see the whole flat in different shades of black and grey. To add on, my floor and burnt furniture are soaked with water. Can my life get any worse than this? Picking up the burnt debris and broken glass, I threw them out and went for a shower before wearing back my old clothes as all of mine were burnt in the fire. Opening the windows for some fresh air to enter, I stared listlessly at the grandfather clock as the fingers of the clock went ticking. Reading the time, my jaws dropped. Shit! It's 11:30! Arranging my hair, I pulled open my door and dashed downstairs to catch the free bus to the Knight's Headquarter.

Zachary's POV:

"Why do you want to work in this company?" I asked professionally with my arms crossed as I looked at the blondie sitting sexually in from of me. Her skirt barely covering her butt, a v-neck shirt which could barely cover her breast. Urgh, gross. Is she here for an interview or for wishful sex.

"Well sir..." she stood up in a seductive manner, making me cringe internally. "I want to work in this company so that I can see you everyday..." She spoke in a seductive way as she trailed one of her finger up my arm, causing me to remove her hand with goosebumps appearing on my skin.

"Anyway,thanks for coming and we will see if you get the job." I cleared my throat awkwardly as she left my office confidently. Phew...what kind of woman does that? This is not a pub or a club but a formal business company. I wonder if my day could get any worse than interviewing over 10 girls which wants nothing to do but get into my pants. 

"Next!" I announced through the speakers. A soft knocking sounded as I called for the person to come in as I read through her resume. Winter Clarkson...interesting name.

"Come in." I hear the door open softly as light footsteps entered my office. Looking up, I see a goddess in disguise. Even though she is wearing a pair of leggings and a tight top with her hair slightly unkempt, her eyes still shines with innocence and raw beauty.

"Please sit. " She bowed slightly, thanking me before sitting down gracefully as she ran her hand down her hair nervously. Damn, how I wish I am the one touching her hair.

"May I know why are you not dressed as professionally as the rest?" Well, the rest are also not properly dressed, some even worse than her. I let out a grunt of disgust thinking of the one before her.

"I-I...I'm sorry." Her eyes teared slightly as she sniffled. Shit! She must be thinking that I'm disgusted by her.

"Oh, no no no, I'm not disgusted by you but the one before you. Too much cleavage. Yuck!" I stuck out my tongue to exaggerate it even more, causing her to giggle slightly, showing her two dimples before blushing deeply when she caught me staring at her. Awww, so cute.

"Well sir, my house was set on fire and all my clothes and valuables are burnt along with it except for this set I'm wearing." She said strongly even thought tears are forming in her eyes. 

"May I know why is your house burnt down?"

"Loan sharks sir. My dad owe them money and ran away so I have to pay for him." She mumbled softly with her head low  as tears dripped down on her leggings. How could a girl as young and innocent live like this.

"You know what?" She looked up at me in fear of my reply as she rubbed her legs nervously together.

"You're hired." Her eyes lit up like she had just struck a lottery as she stood up quickly in excitement, only to stumble on her footing and fall back onto the chair with her head in her hands.

"Are you okay?" I rushed up to her as I held onto her petite frame to prevent her body from falling off the chair or at least if it happens.

"Yeah. I'm alright. Just stood up too fast, not letting any oxygen to travel up my brain." She laughed lightly as she stood up again, this time slower than before.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow Ms Winter?"

"Yup! I'll be on time. Don't worry. Bye Sir."

"It's Mr Knight to you now."

"Okay. Bye Mr Knight!" She said cheerfully as she waved goodbye and skipped out of my office, giving me a full view of her back, especially her perky ass.

Damn it Winter Clarkson, what are you doing to me?

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