A New Friend

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-Gotham, Arkham Asylum-

March 4th

*Third Person POV*

Today was patient number 666's first day allowed in the yard, for good behavior of course none of the patients (Except Harley) even knew that he existed so it was a big day. Everyone knows those steel doors that go to solitary never open to the yard but today the agonizingly slow creaking of metal opened to a boy. The boy was no older than 14 with hair in a under cut the bottom blacker than night, the top whiter than fresh snow. He had one ice blue eye that could freeze your soul and the other a bright green that seemed to glow. He was wearing about 18 inhibitor bands 4 on each arm, 4 on each leg one around his waist, and another on his neck. Not only that but 20 guards in full SWAT gear all with their guns trained on him were there. One of the guards pushed him in the door with the tip of his gun.

"Don't hurt any of them too bad and don't even try to escape." He said in a gruff voice. All the guards backed up and the door closed. The conversation in the room ceased except for Harley chatting to Poison Ivy.

"What you lookin' at Red?" She asked before turning and looking herself. She gasped then squealed while jumping off the couch.

"YOUR OUT OF SOLITARY!" she practicaly yelled and hugged the boy tight but everyone saw that he didn't hug back.

*Danny's POV*

My eyes widen as she hugs me, I hate when people touch me. On instinct both my eyes glow green and I punch her hard in the stomach. She flies across the room and crashes into the wall knocking her out. I look at her then up at the people they are all staring at me with wide eyes some with fear others with amusement. I jump a little when I hear loud laughing then my eyes widen and I scan the room for the source of the laugh... that laugh. I see it come from a man with green wavy hair down to his ears, blonde coming from the roots and pale skin with scars that make a permanent smile on his face. As he keeps laughing I keep looking. A smile worms itself onto my face as I keep looking at the smiling man. I don't notice but the entire room around us has seemingly froze keeping their eyes on us. I start to walk towards the man. As I stand in front of him he stops laughing and looks at me still with a giant smile on his face, I smile back. I haven't smiled in a while, but it felt nice to.

"Aren't you just a bucket of fun, no one ever laughs with me, but when they do," he grabs me tight on the arm and pulls me so my ear is by his mouth and whispers, ",they die." I smile at that and say in a quiet voice.

"Good thing I'm already dead." After that he laughs the loud insane laugh that I have heard so much. I don't even know who this insane man is but I already feel a connection between us and it feels better than it has since everyone di- I wont get into that right now. I sit down next to him still with a smile on when I notice every single eye in the room on us even the orderly's that came to pick up Quinn. I get nervous and squeeze my eyes shut, the green haired man sees this and growls at everyone in the room.

"What are you party poopers looking at." And Immediately every eye leaves us and conversation starts again but more hushed whispers than small talk. I look up and realizes that I still don't know his name.

"What's your name?" I whisper

"Gasp!" He says dramatically putting his hand on his forehead. I giggle.

"You really don't know about me?" He ask I shake my head.

"Well I'm known by many names Clown Prince of Crime, the Jester of Genocide, the Harlequin of Hate, the Ace of Knaves, but most know me as the Joker." He says dramatically standing up, bowing, and extending his hand for a shake. I giggle again and grab his hand. He shakes it up and down.

"Now to return the favor, what's your name?" He ask lifting a eyebrow. I look down sorrow in my eyes.

"I don't have one." I whisper.

"Well I guess ill just have to give you one." He puts a hand on his chin stroking it as if he has a beard.

"I got it!" he exclaims loudly.

"I'm going to call you Casper! Get it!" He cackles after he sees the look of confusion on my face.

"You said you were already dead so your a ghost like Casper, the friendly ghost." He smiles and looks for my reaction. I smile in realization and nod to show my appreciation of a new name it was better than Boo. I was about to say thank you when the slow creaking of the steel doors leading to solitary open to show the guards again.

"Patient number 666, time to go, told you not to cause trouble." One of them says. I don't want to go so soon so I look at the Joker and hug him.

"See ya later Casper." He whispers to me then looks up. He laughs at the surprised looks on the guards faces all probably wondering the same thing.

*Third Person POV*

Patient number 666 the guards called him so he has no name. At least not a known one. Some patients, the more companionate ones, wonder why a kid is here in solitary no less, others like Penguin wonder how he's so powerful with his inhibitors on, and one wonders why he's so drawn to the multi colored boy.

"What the hell was that clown." Ivy ask the Joker, she is just as curious as all the others.

"Well Ms.Green Bean I think I made a new friend." He laughs again

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