Eighteen: Unrest

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A/N: Ooooh boy is this chapter crazy. This took me forever to write but honestly, it was the most fun I've had with a chapter in months. I changed the title a few times and will probably change it again. *Shrug.* This is the mini/pre-climax to the actual climax in Chapter 20, the last chapter. Just get into this one, go. It's my favorite. Comments and votes and such, just go!

April fifteenth was the day we were to set off for the next field assignment. By April fourteenth, every member of the team was so nervous we couldn't sit down. Although we were told to rest because it was a big day ahead of us, we simply couldn't. After a day's worth of training, we still were not satisfied. So we each went off into training rooms to prep more.

That night while we were all poking at dinner, Lautrec ordered us to come with him and hear the assignment's details. We all moved with jittery shaking that I'm sure the other teams noticed and laughed at. He pulled us back to our wing and had us stand in formation in front of him.

"This assignment is going to be a little different," Lautrec started off.

We exchanged glances of apprehension.

"Every year we send the newest team out on a residential mission," Lautrec continued. "It's considerably closer to the life of a real Agent but it takes away from the time we have to train you so we do not give out these assignments often."

"A residential mission?" Mallory asked.

"You will leave the Facility for a week," Lautrec announced.

We didn't even let him continue. We all turned to each other and started to whisper, our faces bright and our eyes wide.

"Quiet," Lautrec scolded us. "Listen. You will leave the Facility for a full seven days and take up residence in a Commodities Sector. You will be hidden out of sight during the night and patrol the streets during the day. This will be purely a surveillance mission. You are to ascertain whether there are hidden renegades in the area and report back. You will not engage unless absolutely necessary. You are not ready."

That dulled the mood a little. I bit my lip, glancing at everyone else. They were all in similar states of nervousness. This was a real assignment. Just like the one Geoffrey died on, we could actually be compromised during the mission. We could be killed if a renegade found us.

"Of course, sir." Chance nodded and backed away.

Lautrec nodded back. He dismissed us and we broke, moving away from him as he retreated into his room. I was about to go into my room and check all my equipment when Chance grabbed my arm.

"I want to talk to everyone," Chance said quietly.

"Okay," I responded and went back to the center of the room. We formed a loose semicircle around Chance as he began to speak.

"I'm going to make a promise and I want you all to do the same." Chance met our collective gaze.

"What is it?" Mallory folded her arms.

"I swear on my life, I will keep you all safe," Chance said.

I opened my mouth to protest the ridiculous promise. Chance glared at me.

"Physically, mentally, emotionally, as your leader and your teammate, I am going to keep you safe." He spoke with absolutely no doubt. "There will not be any incidents on this mission. And if there is we will handle it with care and precision. No one is going to get hurt in any way."

"That's stu—"

"No, Soarin." Chance shook his head. "We're going to be okay this time. You are all going to promise to keep yourselves safe, no matter what."

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