Story Time.......Or So we Thought

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Song:My own enemy By Hailey Knox

'If I hear the word doppeldanger one more time I might have to,learn how to spell it'-Damon Salvatore Quote
Selena'S P.O.V
We walked into the living room in silence No one even utter a word that is until Brianna spoke up
"So are you going to explain"I sighed and and stared with my story
"Ok so it all started in school when I was six in school for doing something I don't remember what it was but I didn't care that everyone wassup laughing at me but when I looked into the crowad and saw my own brother laughing at me that broke me"I said with tears coming down my face and luke grolwed angerly and I took my hand into his trying to calm him
"What the fuck is wrong with you"stiles screamed surpirisingly "I'm sorry ok I wassup little and stupid I just wanted to fit in"Justin screamed
"And that gives you the right to emotionaly abuse your TWIN SISTER"This time It was Carter who screamed at him I just contined with my story
"When I got home I expected him to apologize but he didn't he just shoved me that night I cried myself to sleep I woke up the next morning did my usual routine but when I got downstairs everyone was glaring at me well everyone exept Bri and my baby sister fionia I didn't know what I did wrong so I asked but everytime I tryed to get a word out I was told to shut up I ran out the door an headed to school hoping that It would be better but it was only worse I had to lock myself in my room for a week than I woke up on a Saturday went downstairs and a man I didn't reconize wass in the house I screamed for everyone but no one was home we just sat their in silence till he spoke-"I was cut short in my sentence when I smelt it his sent sent angry chills down my body I ran out the house in the direction of his sent
When I reached him he had a smirk on his face
"I wonder when you would show up"he said
"What do you want asshole leave no one wants you here"I growled ans Luke and Nina came standing Next to me
"I came to see some friends is that so hard to understand"he said
"Yes Now leave or I won't regret what I'll do It you don't"I growled
"now now Selena theirs no need for threats"he said clearly amused luke growled ready to pounse at him at any given moment I grabbed him
"You think this is funny"I said I said laughing but theirs nothing funny about this moment
"Yes yes I do"he said like he had something up his sleave
"What are you planing Marshal"I said
"Thats for me to know and for you to"he said before walking away
"He has something up his sleve and I have this feeling its not good"I said
"What do you think It is"Nina said
"I don't know but we better figue It out before he dose it"I said I looked up at the house and something felt off I ran into the house
What I saw wasn't what I expected Ryder,Carter,Blake,stiles and  Lydia were all passed out on the floor with a note on the tabel
With the words
Game on written on I grolwed
"Yes bitch game on you want to play lets but just know your not going to win"I stated and ran pass Nina an luke who were trying to wake the others I ran out the door
"Wait Sel were are you going"luke said worried
"No worries luke I'll be back take care of the pack I'm going to finish a war I started a long time ago"I said moving closer to him and kissing him he kissed me back which had the others screaming when I parted I ran into the forsest trying not to run back and tell him I'll stay but I didn't I couldn't this wasn't his fight It was mine and I was going to fight It even if it meant me dying
I stopped at the boarder and Howled
For Love
For Family
For Friends
Than I countined to run

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