Chapter 18

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"WHAT I'M ABOUT TO ASK of you is treason of the highest order. Success will bring us exile and failure shall mean our death," Thor tells is his friends slowly.

They are sitting around a table in the darkness of a secluded tavern within the city, all of them clad in cloaks in order to mask their identities until they arrived. Lady Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun, and Heimdall all watch him closely.

"Malekith knew the Aether was here. He can sense its power. If we do nothing, he will come for it again, but this time lay waste to all of Asgard," the god of thunder continues.

He's already spoken to Heimdall, asking his friend and the guardian of the Bifrost to aid him in his ridiculous quest, even though it is of the highest risk. Even now, speaking to four of his closest friends on Asgard - with Heimdall standing in the shadows behind him - Thor realizes that they might reject his plan. Part of him hopes they will, but he knows they will not. This is the only option, he has come to realize, and he is desperate enough to bring it into fruition.

Thor sighs, "We must move Jane off-world."

"The Bifrost has been shut down and the Tesseract locked away in the vault," Lady Sif objects.

Heimdall nods, "There are other paths off Asgard. Ways known only to a few."

"One, actually," Thor replies, staring at his hands.

Fandral clasps his hands together in shock, while Volstagg's eyes grow wide at the realization.

"No," the large warrior whispers.


Even from a distance, Loki could recognize the footsteps as they echoed through the prison. A lifetime of pranks had equipped him with unusually sharp hearing, and he could always distinguish the slow and heavy thudding of his brother's boots hitting the ground. Sighing, he clasps his hands behind his back and approaches the forcefield at the front of his cell as he stares into the darkness of the prison.

"Thor," he says as his brother steps into the light and approaches Loki's cell. "After all this time and now you come to visit me."

Thor stops in front of him, his blue eyes peering into the cell without any visible emotion, and it makes Loki's blood boil

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Thor stops in front of him, his blue eyes peering into the cell without any visible emotion, and it makes Loki's blood boil. His thoughts immediately go to Frigga, to the guard who informed him of her death, to the whispers floating through the dungeon of her funeral. The funeral he had been denied attendance. The goodbye he would never be allowed to utter.

"Why?!" Loki hisses, leaning forward. 


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