The perfect world

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Ever wanted that perfect world? The one that was always a bright down, no clouds in the sky, and the special someone is there for you. The world were no darkness excised to tare you down, or hurt the people you love. Everything for them, is perfect, no darkness shines on their heart, their soul their brain. Only the lightness, will be there. The lightness will cut through the darkness like the sun in a dark summers night. Everything in that world will be perfect. The weather will always be perfect, always sun, no clouds and just the right amount of wind. Each of the flowers will grow to be perfect not pedal missing or out of place. The trees will be the same. Each leaf has a place and it won't get out of its place. Even the specks of grass will grow perfectly. Not to long and not to short, not to messy or green. It will be perfect. Sounds great right? No darkness to down you on a bright day. Everything you want will be there and it will be perfect. Now that's the thing, people want a perfect world, I want a perfect world to live in, but sometimes perfect is not good. The darkness that rises inside of you, won't be there in the perfect world. For a lot of people, they got through the darkness the one the battle with in themselves, and it made them stronger. The darkness is not good, it will never be good, but it helps people become stronger when the battle it. It shows people who is going to be there for you, and who is your true friend. It shows you a lot in the world that you may not have seem before. Now, now, I am not saying that the darkness is good and people should go through it and not complain or things like that. I will never say that someone should go through it, but ad time goes on and as you keep fighting. You see the darkness has helped you in certain ways. It will have helped you to become stronger, to fight for what you want. It teaches you so much. So the perfect world we want might not be what we need. What we need is the hardships in life. What we need is something to make us stronger and keep fighting, but. We need to have people to be there with us, to fight the darkness. My girlfriend is my rock, my person I go to every time I need someone to help me with the darkness...we don't have the perfect world, but we have the friends and family to get us through the dark world we live in today. So for anyone out there who is struggling. Who is just on the edge of letting the darkness win.. remember you are strong, you are not weak. You can out smart the darkness, you can win the battle you are in. Remember you are beautiful, inside and out. No matter what people tell you, or what you think, you are and always will be beautiful. Remember that people love and care for you. That when you want to end it, you are going to end everything that makes you happy. Maybe it's you friends that you see at school that always make you smile, or maybe your lover that you can't live without, or could be your family or anyone you know. Just think about the person that makes you happy. Don't let go of the person, or people. So many people care about you, so many people would die without you. Remember that you are perfect the way you are. Your body type, your personality, whatever it is about you is perfect. Don't let people say other wise. As they don't know perfection when they see it. The last the last thing is something to always remember. Remember that everything will always get better. No matter what you think, no matter how much people might say what I am saying. It does. Everything will always get better. You will find something that pushes all the darkness away, that not let it slip back. The darkness will once again be trapped in the light that makes you happy, and the light will always come to save you. It could be in any form, a person, a animal, a hobby. It could be anything, but that light will always come back to save you. So please don't forget it. Promise me this, promise yourself this, promise your friends and family this. Even if you want to give up, and just fall down for the darkness to catch you. Eben if you want to end it or even hurt yourself because it's becoming to much. Promise your family, friends, yourself and even me. That you won't. You will go to the thing that makes you happy and be with it. You won't give up and fall down to the arms of the darkness. Promise you will fight off the darkness, and when the battle within you. Promise to keep your head up and keep on fighting, to stay strong. Promise not to give up and hurt yourself, promise not to end it. Promise you will fight, till you find your light. Promise that you will see another day. Promise that to all your family. Your friends. Promise it to me. Mostly promise it to yourself. So I will leave with this. You are beautiful, you are perfect, and you are strong. I know you can make it through this battle and I know you will find your light. I know that you can fight and stay strong and win it. I know that you can make it.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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