Thirty Two - Are you smelling me?

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Thirty Two - Are you smelling me?

Aria's POV   






"Oh my goodness, have you you ever heard of the saying 'shut the fuck up'?" I shout, holding my pounding head as I lie on a bed with all the guys surrounding me.

"Oh my gosh guys, she's awake." Mickey points out a few seconds after everyone goes silent and they all stare at him with deadpan looks.

"Thanks Mickey, I would have never noticed." Jay says and Mickey gives him a thumbs up sign.

I chuckle and suddenly all eyes are back on me. I guess this wasn't a dream.

"So we have decided to join forces." Jay says and Vincent scoffs. "Well, Vincent hasn't budged yet but he will. Ooh, what about if I tell your friends about what you did to Aria?" Jay says, smirking.

Vincent's eyes widen and in a matter of seconds, Daniel has him pinned against the floor, "What did you do to my baby girl?" Daniel growls.

M sits down right next to me and pulls me closer to him. I smile and lean my head on his chest, closing my eyes. He smells so good.

"Are you smelling me?" M asks and I silence him.

"Shhh, let me smell in peace." I state and he chuckles, shaking his head.

"Hey, you can smell me." Mickey says and once again, everyone stops and stares at him. He feigns a laugh, "Haha, I'm kidding..." he adds.

"Anyway..." Jay says as Daniel gets off Vincent. "You have to stay with us. We will become one gang because some of the people in our gangs left or died. We can't let you get hurt and you have nobody else. If you have any questions then you can ask but for now I think you need to rest." Jay says, standing up.

The rest of the guys stand up too and I frown, "Jay, can you stay. I want to ask questions now." I state and he nods, getting back onto the bed.

The rest of the guys leave the room, shutting the door behind them.

"If Kayden isn't my brother then who is he?" I ask.

"Kayden is a random guy that your dad hired to take care of you when he wiped your memory." he says and shrugs.

"If my memory was wiped, why do I still remember your name?" I ask.

"I honestly don't know, maybe they didn't gas you enough or something, I don't know what your dad did. I couldn't watch but I couldn't stop your dad either." Jay explains.

"Why did my dad kill people's families and why did he wipe my memory?" I ask.

I have so many questions that I could probably be here the whole night. Everything just hit me and suddenly I am an only child with a mom that was murdered by my dad who was an apparent serial killer. How does something like this just happen?

"Your dad was sadistic. I didn't realize what he was doing at first but then when he killed your mom I knew he had to go but he could only go if you left and so I 'cheated' on you to get you to go so you were safer and away from your dad and that's when Vincent killed him but once I managed to convince your dad to let you go he made some guys wipe your memory and I never thought I would see you again.

"You're probably extremely confused and so I am going to have to tell you the whole story... Okay, so I joined The Scorch when I was sixteen. Your father was the gang leader at the time and he was brutal but I needed the money so I did what he said. Soon he brought you and your mom into the whole thing and you mom didn't like what your dad was doing so she tried to stop it and your dad killed her because of it. After that they assigned me to you and I started going out wherever you went to make sure you were safe but I accidentally started liking you and I knew you were never going to be safe in a gang at your age and so I made sure you caught me cheating on you and then I made your dad believe that you had to leave and he listened. I fell for your personality and the way you had this happy aura around you all the time and I couldn't let you die. You didn't know it but you were in this building when Vincent and his friend's families were being murdered downstairs. Your father was a sick man and Vincent killed him a few years ago.

"Vincent wanted to kill us too or torture us and he knew who you and Kayden were, so he took you and he brought you here, to London, but I had no idea it was you that he brought. Vincent is definitely clever. I just heard Vincent fell for some girl and I knew I had to get you because if I didn't then Vincent would get us first.

"When I saw that the girl he fell for was you... I-I..." he goes silent and I stare at the wall in front of me.

"Okay, so I understand that my dad was a gang leader and he killed my mom and then you convinced my dad to make some random guy take care of me after they wiped my memory but why would my dad just kill Vincent and Cody's and the rest of the gang's families?" I ask.

"Vincent's gang, The Shadows, was new at the time but it was still a threat and your dad wanted to break up the gang but it never worked and instead Vincent got revenge. His mom was skinned alive by your dad in front of him just because he needed money and decided to make a new gang. It's really sick. Aria trust me, you're better off not knowing who your real dad is." Jay says and I lie back, staring at the roof.

I understand what happened, I just don't want to believe it.

"So what now?" I ask.

"Now we are going to have to contact Mr. Halorez and see if we can get-" Jay gets cut off by the door slamming open.

"Lord, why do we still have stairs? Why cant we just buy an elevator for God's sake?" Mickey says, panting.

"Dude, there's-" A guy shot goes off and we all freeze. "Oh dear lord please let me live through this and I swear I will be a better person and I will stop eating all the Oreo's in the family pack." Mickey prays.

Jay stands up, "Don't move Aria." he tells me and then pushes Mickey out the door and locks me in the room.

"I don't know why you still pray, you fucking kill people every day you dimwit." I hear Jay's muffled voice through the door.


"At least I have a better chance then-" Another gun shot goes off, "Jesus please!" Mickey screams in a high pitch.


It will hopefully make sense soon guys ;) if it doesn't yet. Do you people understand what's happening or not? :)

🍌 вαиαиα ℓσνє 🍌

I'm The Gang Leaders Possession जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें