Chapter Twenty-seven

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It was currently Thursday of the following week

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It was currently Thursday of the following week. So far I had received six more roses, each one I found every night on my pillow. I didn't know why Parker was giving them to me and I brought it up once but he didn't acknowledge the question.

I had showed up for training every morning and actually learned quite a few new things. I even got closer with the girls. We would all hang out everyday. Today we were actually going to go buy dresses for tomorrow night's party which I was dreading. Everyone was acting strange though, even Parker. Peyton had said that the party was going to be a bit more formal and not as crazy as the other party we went to.

I walked down the sidewalk, looking for the store Peyton had told me to meet her at once I was finished cleaning up after training. It was a dress store but was different from the last store we went to.

I opened the door of the store and was greeted by the smell of perfume and laundry detergent. Peyton waved me over when I spotted her and the girls standing by a rack of dresses.

"Hey," I greeted her and she greeted me back.

We all began the search for dresses. I looked through many racks and saw quite a few that I liked but either it wasn't my color or in my size. After about an hour, Riley and I were the only ones still looking for a dress while the others were buying shoes and trying their dresses on.

"Red is your color," I said to her while observing a red dress. It was cute, strapless, and flowed out ending above the knees. It was simple yet beautiful.

She turned to look at me and I held the dress out to her. A grin appeared on her face as she took the dress and observed it.

"How did I not see this before?" She asked before squealing and hugging the dress. "Thank you!"

She then looked back at me. "We need to find you a dress, preferably a black one. You look sexy in black and I think Alpha thinks so, too."

I hadn't really talked to him at all this past week. I think what we had before.

I nodded to Riley and we continued looking for a dress for me. After 20 more minutes of searching, I had found a dress. The waist and up was black. It had a boat neckline and was strapless but had long sleeves. The skirt portion was white and flowing, it ended mid-thigh, and had black trim around the edge. It wasn't a dress I would usually wear, but it was cute.

I picked out a pair of black heels and went with Riley to pay for them and join the other girls at Starbucks, our usual hang out place.

"Did you find a dress?" Vivian asked as we approached the table all six of them were at. Peyton handed me a coffee which I gladly accepted. I nodded while sitting the bag with my dress in it on the floor.

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