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      WARNING: Cussing, LOTS of violence [Sorta Graphic], Sexy scene [Not Too Graphic] 🌚😏

"Never do that again please." [Y/N] said moments later when their lips departed

Ahiga let out a long sigh, "Your heart belongs to another. I understand."

Ahiga turned to leave but was stopped by a broad chest. [Y/N]'s nostrils flared by the smell of cigarette and toxic fumes.

"No one is leaving till we deal with that animal." A harsh Russian voice echoes through the shallow dimmed cave.

The remaining tribe members nodded their heads in agreement. [Y/N] eyed the foreign man. He always drank around the bonfire before the Wendigo attack. She remember him staring dimly at the moon while chugging a glass of his whisky that he packed.

"You like to drink. Huh?" She said at that night.

The Russian man rolled his eyes, "Isn't it obvious?"

"I just wanted you to admit your addiction."

"Go back to your tent. It's a miracle that you lived." His stormy grey eyes became intense, "Weaklings always die last, don't they?"

"If they did. You wouldn't be here."

"I say we shoot that bitch till it can't screech anymore!" That bought [Y/N] back to reality.

"Whoa. Whoa." She rose her hands above her head when the muscular Russian man bought out his gun out of his back pocket.

"You have no words in this!" He pointed his gun at [Y/N], "she brought he creature to the campsite by her SCENT." He screamed.

[Y/N] could feel everyone's eyes on her. It wasn't her fault. No. The Wendigo would had found the campsite anyways. The scent of alcohol, burning wood, children's laughter, flesh and blood would had bought the creature there.

"You're drunk." the words came out slowly out of [Y/N]'s mouth. She casually looked at Ahiga who is beside her. His face was always a open book: the slight glint in his dark eyes, his lips tugged to the side, his brows furrowed, wrinkles on his forehead. This meant he's furious. [Y/N] knew that.

The Russian let out a laugh, "Drunk!? Don't be stupid!" He turned the safety off, " You killed everyone!"

"Is that true? Outsider?" One of the tribe woman asked, her arms were wrapped tightly around her child.

"No. Of course not! Can't you smell the bullshit coming out of his mouth?" [Y/N] hissed out.

[Y/N] felt a rush of heat in her face. What she said was unnecessary but she couldn't help it. The Russian man was pushing her to her limits— blame her for deaths of her saviors. No. She wouldn't have it.

"We will leave her as bait. I will avenge your people." The tribe, without a chief, looked helpless. Majority of the survivor were females and children. The males took the Wendigo full on, causing their deaths. No one dared to object the Russian man who carried a fully armed weapon.

"Get hold of her." Three women grabbed hold of [Y/N] holding her up straight.

Ahiga growled, "LET GO OF HER!"

"Easy, Indian boy." The Russian aimed his pistol at  Ahiga, "You will not save the girl this time." With that he pulled the trigger; shooting him in the leg.

Wendigo Josh x Reader | Until Dawn |Where stories live. Discover now