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This, so far has been the scariest experience I've ever had.

This was at another apartment, in a different complex.

I don't know why, but bathrooms are a hot spot for activity for me. This particular bathroom had a sliding door, instead of a normal one.

So, I was walking into the bathroom to do something (forgot what) and I noticed something in the mirror. I had my hands on the counter, between the edge and the sink. What I saw, it was a red blob in the mirror, forming from inside the mirror.

I watched it, I didn't see what else to do. I saw a large knife come out of it. There wasn't a hand controlling it or anything, it just floated and arched to where it came down, in a stabbing motion. As it came down, I rushed out of the way. It stabbed right where my hand had been seconds before and disappeared.

I looked at the sink and at the edge corner, sure enough there was a scratch that hadn't been there before.

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