Part 2: neuf

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[Everything from this point onwards is from Alessandra's POV]

"Why are you using my phone?" I ask Juliet when I see her toss my phone back on her nightstand after I walk out of her shower.

With flexed and toned arms raised in surrender, she says, "It was ringing. I thought it might've been important or something."

I walk up to her and grab my phone to shove it into my pocket. "Don't touch my stuff, dude. Not cool."

"I let you sleep on my bed. I slept on the couch for you. Don't be an ass," she replies with a chuckle.

"Not funny."

"Geez, someone's cranky. How are you feeling?"

"Horrible. I'm going to head home. I have to talk to Lauren."

"Uhh, are you sure you're going home?" she asks. "I mean, shouldn't you give it some time or something?"

"I love her and I'm not losing her, man. Not talking to her about it it is just going to make it worse. Thanks for letting me stay the night though."

"Yeah. Umm... no worries. Call me if you need anything," she says before I turn around to leave. "What, no goodbye kiss?"

"Suck my dick, Jules," I said as I walk towards her door.

"It was okay last night, but not in the morning?" I hear her say as I leave.

I shut my eyes as I try to forget the memory.

Fragile and in need of something familiar and safe, I let her kiss me. I was shaking and in tears and she was there for me, so I allowed her, and I kissed her back.

As expected, she was an even better kisser than before. She knew how I wanted it, and she did it even better.

But she wasn't Lauren.

"Stop," I said as I pulled away.

I kissed her back. I just cheated on Lauren. I can never hate myself more than I do right now.

She pulled me back. "You know you want this," she said.

Mortified and absolutely disgusted at what I just did, I roughly pushed her away. "Stop. No, I don't."

Obviously frustrated, Juliet clenches her jaw. "All right, all right. Goodnight, Alessandra." She stood up and left me alone in her room.

"Go fuck yourself, Jules," I said out loud before I left Juliet's place.

After a half hour cab ride, I finally get home.

I hear sniffling sounds from our bedroom. I enter and find Lauren curled up on our bed, and the sight crushes my heart.

"Lauren," I weakly speak out loud.

She sits up, her arms wrapped around her folded legs. Seeing her bloodshot eyes and tired expression physically hurt me. She just looks at me. She doesn't even say anything.

"We need to talk," I say to her and she shuts her eyes, as if in pain. We can still fix this, I think to myself. I sit across her on our bed.

"Did you sleep with her?" I hear her weakly ask.

"Wait, what?"

"Like, I read the text so I already know you want to take a break, but I just want to know—"

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