The Beginning

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"Welcome," Andrew Barkley said softly to Joseph Lake (husband to Sophie.)
"Thank You for Inviting Us," they both replied. Andrew pulled out the steel chair from under the table. He sat down. The light flickered in the dark, strangely cold room. Barkley now started to interrogate the two.

What happened in your sons life?

December 26th 1997: 8:27am

Kevin pulled up his ripped jeans and quickly zipped up his grey jumper. It was cold and the breeze made it feel as if it was -10 degrees Celsius. His mum called his name- he then hurried up as he was called for the second time.
"Coming Mum, can't you just wait a couple second," he shouted. He picked up his bag and quickly climbed through his window, which led to the front of his house! He was on the verge of regretting the choice he just made. He ran and ran until the house was out of sight! Suddenly he felt as if he ran into a tree and fell back.
"Oy, what's in the Bag.... TELL ME," an unknown man screamed. He was tall and very muscular, out of nowhere two other people came from either side. This time not as strong.
"ANSWER ME OR ELSE," he then shouted to warn him the danger it might lead him into.
"Here, take it. I don't want any trouble. It.... It was for my friend," Kevin replied; he covered his face with his puny arms, preparing to block any physical damage.
"HAHA. Boy I don't want this bag. Here take it, be careful around here there's something bad lurking around thr neighbourhood ."

Totally ignoring what the grown man said, Kevin started to run to his destination. As time went on his phone started buzzing in his back pocket. He reached for his Nokia. The screen displayed Mum- he ignored the call and dropped it back in his pocket. At this time his parent started to worry about him... Not just a bit, but a lot.

Finally reaching his point he saw his 1 friend. The cold air ran past his face as his friend yelled in a high pitched voice. Kevin went from a slight run into a fast walk.
"Well do you have it? There are no CCTV's here.... Just pass it to me already!" Kevin cautiously handed the red and black gym bag. He was shivering not just for the sudden drop in temperature but, how nervous he was for what was going to happen next.

"Not again, you said you'll give me some today. HEY! Can you here me, give the Bag back or give me the packet," Kevin knew he just got scammed. He went after to get his bag back; but before he knew it a hard smack to the forehead left a ringing noise. Even though he was unconscious the 'gang' still were abusing him!

Some time later Kevin woke up strapped tightly to a chair. Unable to speak- as he had tape closing his lips together. He had a pulsating pain on his forehead. Blood was dripping down his cheek and his Ted Baker jumper was ruined with red stains dotted everywhere. He gave up, what could he do now. Held hostage and probably going to get tortured. It was then a man with dark cloths and pliers in his hand! He lifted his mask off, revealing the face of... Andrew Barkley!
"Hey son, umm im going to fix your life. But in one term; you have to answer these questions." Kevin didn't answer-was he dead already?
"Well here we go, you took the long route," he whispered in Kevin's ears. Screaming echoed through out the room. Cracking noises where made as Andrew pulled his teeth out one by one. He got a bit bored. So he started smacking he face again and again until his heart desire.
"What next, why make this Long?" Andrew said. He got a small dagger and started to insert small Incision. Even though Kevin was probably dead by know he still wanted to have more fun, so what did he do. Andrew picked up a gasoline tank and started to pore all the fluid onto Kevin's deceased body. Picking up the light he laughed. 'POOOOOOOOF' the fire alight and raging. Andrew began to grin. The fire was still roaring. Andrew took a picture, sending it to Kevin's parents. He drove back to the Morgue.

In the Morgue

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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