Defenders (25)

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Nay knew where we were supposed to go, so I let her lead the way as we ran in whatever direction she pointed us in. My lungs were burning and my feet hurt, but I didn’t care. I needed to help my teammates.

The streets were empty, and only lit by dimmed streetlights. I wondered where everyone was, but I was glad there were no humans around. The less humans, the less trouble. Even if we could erase their memories, it still was a pain.

I could hear grunts and shouts coming from above, so I knew that this fight was happening on a roof. Before I could figure out which one, however, Nay grabbed onto my arm and yanked me inside one of the buildings on the street.

It was old and dirty, but we didn’t spend much time inside. We raced through the abandoned building and burst through the door to the roof. Right across from us on another building, the boys were fighting Malicius and Lynx, Kristie unconscious on the ground behind them.

I was about to jump right off the building we were on and onto the one that my teammates were, but was suddenly stopped when Nay grabbed onto my arm and yanked me back.

“Not yet,” she whispered, still not letting me move any farther away from her.

“Why can't we go now?” I demanded, trying to pull my arm from her grasp, but it was no use. “They're being slaughtered! And soon, I could be saying that literally!”

“You don't want to just jump in when they're in the middle of a fight,” Nat advised me, though I didn't agree. “If you distract them, it may not end well.”

That made no sense to me, but I listened to her anyway. I’d rather listen to her and stay alive than not listen to her and end up dead. Though if I didn’t help my teammates soon, they could be the ones that ended up dead…

“Where’s Hank?” I found myself asking now, seeing that he was not on the roof with my teammates.

“Still in the RV, I’m sure,” Nay answered, her eyes never leaving the fight going on before us. “He most likely already erased the memories of the man and the woman we just interrupted and called the cops for them.”

But there was one thing I didn’t understand. “Why would he go back to the RV?”

“He didn’t think it was necessary that both of us go searching for you, so I went alone and he stayed inside the RV in case the boys needed him,” Nay explained now, still not looking away from the fight. “Obviously, he hasn’t thought the boys need him yet.”

But it sure seemed like the boys needed him, considering they weren’t doing very well. It scared me that Malicius and Lynx were still doing better even though they were outnumbered by one. Why couldn’t I go help them?

Nay seemed to be thinking about what we could do, but I was pretty much freaking out. I wanted to jump in and help my teammates, but for some reason, that just wasn’t an option. I just wanted to fight Malicius and Lynx and let them know I was not going to let them push us around any longer.

Kristie stirred from the ground, and I felt my breath. At least she was alive. That was good. She had dried blood on her forehead, but at least she was moving. I knew Aiden was never going to forgive me if she died.

She sat up slowly, looking around as she tried to figure out what was going on. No one paid any attention to her, even Aiden, because they were too preoccupied in the fight. Kristie said nothing and just watched them in horror.

When I saw Lynx slash Dex right in the arm, I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t just sit there and watch my teammates get hurt while I did absolutely nothing about it. I had to do something.

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