Chapter 17

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Grace POV:

"I don't know about this guys, so many things could go wrong. Including Matt ripping my head off." Nick said looking skeptical about the whole situation.

After explaining my plan to Macy we drove home and pulled Nick aside and asked him for his help on the plan.

"Cmon Nick, all you have to do is hold Macy's hand, compliment her around him and be around her everytime Matthew is around. Just do it enough to make him jealous." I said trying my best to convince him.

"Try to make who jealous?" A new voice said.

Shit. The three of us shared a look and turned around to see Arsen.

"Should we tell him?" Nick whispered from next to me.

"Will he kill Matthew?" Macy whispered from my other side.

"Will someone tell my why I might be killing Matthew?" Arsen said looking between us confused.

Deciding that telling Arsen right now would be a better than him finding out through anything else, I walked over and pulled him to the couch.

"Okay don't freak out when I tell you this, and don't make any rash decisions." I said slowly.

He nodded and ushered me to go on. "Macy and Matthew are mates, but the thing is, he's been pushing her away." I said looking towards Macy who was staring at the ground.

"Are you telling me he rejected you." Arsen said growling.

He was angry and slowly losing control, his eyes kept switching from his beautiful green to black.

Quickly grabbing his hand, I gave it a squeeze trying to calm him down. I knew it worked since he pulled me closer to him and buried his face into my neck.

He took a few breaths and looked up when he was calm.

"He didn't reject me but he's been pushing me away, he thinks that him being my mate could make you think that he's using you." Macy said with a
quivering voice.

Arsen gave my hand a kiss which sent tingles through my body and got up to move towards Macy. He pulled her into his arms and gave her a hug.

"Macy, he's only scared, and I wanna kick his ass for causing you pain but I won't. But first you guys need to tell me what it was you three were discussing." Arsen said, knowing there was something fishy going on.

A smile broke out onto my face. I quickly informed Arsen of the plan to make Matthew jealous of Nick getting closer to Macy. Hopefully this could snap Matthew back to his senses.

Arsen simply chuckled and shook his head. "Only you would think of something this crazy to do Grace."

Smiling, I pulled Macy towards the room to get her ready for the rest of the day.

The plan is in action.


Arsen and I sat back on the swinging chair on the patio. I was seated in between his legs and his chin rested on the top of my head. We had quietly been sitting in each other's embrace while we waited for Matthew to come.

We decided to have a pool day where the plan would be put into action. Macy changed into a deep red bikini and was waiting for 'go' to come out when Matthew came.

No longer than a few minutes, Matthew came out to the deck. He set his towel down and took a seat on the pool chair.

I looked towards Arsen who linked Macy to come out. Although he too was a bit skeptical about how Matthew would respond, he complied.

We watched as Matthew's mouth dropped open as he saw Macy. We looked towards Nick who began walking towards Macy. He took her hand and loudly complimented her. He pulled her towards the pool where they both sat, dipping in their feet.

Nick began loudly flirting with Macy as she did the same, rubbing his biceps. Soon, we heard a loud growl. We watched as Matthew walked towards Nick and pushed him away from Macy. He pushed his shirt over Macy's head covering up her bathing suit and loudly growled 'Mine' before grabbing Macy and throwing her over his shoulder and walking into the house.

"Well that was successful, the idiot has a mean push." Nick said brushing himself off. "Well I'm out for today, have fun kids, but not too much fun. We don't want little babies running around too soon." Nick said causing me to turn red as a tomato while Arsen loudly laughed.

Soon it was only Arsen and I left. We sat quietly for a few minutes before Arsen broke the silence. "That was sweet of you to do for Macy. Trying to make her happy again." He said.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "They just needed a little push, I like to see people happy."

"Well I can assure you that you probably made me the happiest guy on earth by giving me a chance." Arsen said turning me around in his lap to face him.

I turned around and looked into his eyes. "So with that said, Grace Anderson, will you go on a date with me tomorrow night at 7?" Arsen said.

I quietly giggled and said a yes before hugging him. For the rest of the evening we sat there talking about random things. I wasn't ready to talk about my pack or my family and I could tell he knew that so he never brought it up. It made me happy that he didn't push me to talk about it or mention what happened. I knew soon enough we would have to talk about what happened but for now I wanted to get comfortable with him. The bond was getting stronger everyday and it would be harder to fight him off.

The rest of the night we sat under the stars in each other's company, enjoying each other's mere presence.

And that was enough to make the both of us happy.

It's a shorter chapter but I still hope you guys liked it!

Sadly school is starting very soon for me and RIP

Anyways please vote and comment!

See you soon!

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