Chapter 23

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Thank you to all those who voted and also thank you to PurpleDolphinPanda and lissakay4 for adding Mine Forever in your read list. 🙌


Alexander's POV....

I couldn't take my eyes off of her while she stood on that stage looking so damn beautiful and the guys over here are all ogling her with their perverted eyes. I don't like it a bit.

F**king idiots!

I will win this bidding and her as well. She will be my date tonight and no other guy will lay their hands on her or else they will f**king see hell on earth.

The bidding had just started and several people called out the bid one by one. But one person made a higher bid, James Morgan. He is one of my business rivals. Another person called out a higher figure which irked James. I was waiting for the right time to call out the highest bid on her. Suddenly I got a text message from one of my project manager. The message said that he wants me to meet now as soon as possible to check out an important detail. I had to leave but I can't leave without winning this bid and date with her. So I called up one my bodyguard and gave him instructions to bid instead of me and a handwritten note for Scarlet.

She took a glance over at the crowd were I stood among others. I was looking at her intently and held the eye contact for two seconds then she looked away from me.

It was time and I had to leave now so I stood up and left.

An hour later....I came back to the event from my office after finishing up the work. The bidding event was over and so I checked with my bodyguard regarding the result.

"Sir, Actually... I did called out the bid at the right time as per your instruction and was about to win it but someone new appeared from nowhere, called out a higher amount than ours and won the bid. I...I am so sorry." He said with a tensed expression.

I glared at him and fired him. Idiot!

Scarlet was nowhere to be seen so I started searching for her and tried to contact her. Her cellphone is ringing but she is not answering it.

Damn women! Where the hell is she?

I was restless, angry and worried.

I contacted my friend Max to do a search and track her whereabouts.

I was sitting at a table all alone having a glass of champagne, waiting for a call from Max. Once when he will track her, I am going to drag her with me to my place. She is such a stupid girl, unaware about her safety and going on a date with some unknown idiot.

Why is he taking so long to track her? I thought to myself.

I kept on checking my cellphone for any update but nothing was on my phone. No messages nor calls from him neither her. I was becoming impatient by every single minute that I kept on drinking more champagne.

After an hour, I stood up, turned around grabbing my cellphone and I saw her. She was standing along with a guy along with the Hope family and happy conversing with them.

I am f**king worried about her and trying to contact her and there she is smiling and enjoying her time with an unknown guy.
Seeing her with someone else made my blood boil so I headed straight towards their group, grabbed her hand and dragged her along with me without uttering a word to her.

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