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Today, there was a two hour delay at school for teachers to catch up on work, or just a student day off, I'm not sure, yet I got the pleasure of spending the morning having brunch with my mother's plastic friends: Halsey, Daisy, and Iris. 

Halsey was ignorant of every news and opinion. She always had to contradict what others say, even if they're right. She wants to have the higher power and upperhand. I don't know why my mother bothered to stay friends with a girl with blue hair in high school. She claims they were "cheerleader besties", but I don't remember the coach allowing girls with colored hair on the team, but I guess back then there were exceptions. I saw my mom's high school pictures, and this girl was wild. She was the life of the party that probably took her top off and danced on the tables when she got really drunk. Halsey is divorced, but her two kids, Mary (who likes to go by Maria because it makes all the difference) and Jesus, decided to live with her. The devil named her children after names in the bible, how ironic. They're really dumb  kids, I met them. Halsey is half hispanic, so she always likes to yell at me in Spanish. She thinks I don't understand, but I'm taking AP Spanish, so every one of her words is clear in my head.

Daisy was too innocent, and I'm confused to why she would stick with being friends with my mother and her toxic "best friends". She always kept true to her name and wore a flower dress and flowers in her houses. Sometimes, I swear she looks like a clown, but mother claims it's "true fashion". They met in in-school-suspension when my mom got caught drinking at the state championship game (but, didn't get kicked of the cheerleading squad) and Daisy got caught cheating on a test. Since then, they've been supposedly attached to the hip. Daisy has this high pitch voice I can not stand, and a chubby, rich husband in her big, fat mansion. She always giggled at how rich and comfortable she was, bragging about her three daughters, Rose, Heather, and Lily. See how they're all named after flowers, it's disgusting. Even her husband's name is Clover! I think what irritates me most, is that she never actually called me by my name, but uses 'dear, sweetie, honey' etc.,

The one I most tolerate, kind of, is Iris. She's a total red neck, with bright blonde hair, and still wears her cowboy boots, but I can't say I don't like her southern accent. She tells cools stories of the country, but she is a total blonde. I don't discriminate blondes, but she is very much an airhead. She's two years older than gang because she repeated middle school twice, and doesn't know above algebra. I asked her if she ever listened to Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, and she doesn't even know what I'm talking about. She doesn't even know who the Vice President of America is. She has three sons, and one daughter, Shelby Piper, who she constantly brags about as well. I think I'm her favorite too because she always gives me advice, but I hate it because they're dumb and non-useful advice that a type like me can't use. The family lives about an hour away in a ranch house inside the only country-ish town of our area. 

The four were sitting for breakfast making plans for their daughters to hang out because we're all close in age. Well, I'm the oldest, but it didn't take long for Halsey to get pregnant, and the rest followed after. They always try really hard for Maria, Rose, Heather, Shelby Piper, and I to become the next great gang, just like them. Maria hates us all, yet tries too hard for the five of us to be best friends; Rose and Heather always fight; Shelby Piper's chirpy accent only says, "let's go to the mall!"; and I just don't fit in.

"You need to eat some more meat," Halsey nagged, "Don't you want to be strong like Mary?"

I rolled my eyes, and the evil witch grumbled in Spanish. She basically called me a selfish brat and felt bad that my mother had to raise me. As usual, I pretend I have no idea what she just said. Halsey gave a fake grin and took back the plate of bacon. She offered it to Daisy who quickly replied that she's going vegan. I snorted.

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