Chapter 9

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OMG this cannot be happening to me right now. No I am in my bed having a nightmare, yeah that's what it is, I think to myself. What did he mean by 'I'm going to enjoy punishing you' am I going to locked in my room without dinner because I can handle that. But somehow I know that's not what Damian means.

With me slung over Damian's shoulder, his shoulder muscles and bones digging into my stomach quite painfully might I add, anyway with me on his shoulder I only see his long muscled legs moving and a fast rate. I have know idea where we are going and I really don't want to know.

"Umm hey man umm like are you going to kill me or just you know torture me or something" I nervously chuckle. "No little one I'm not going to kill or torture you. No need to worry it's just a punishment for disobeying me and then running from me, that was very foolish of you Ali." His voice got very serious towards the end there. " now listen here buddy, what did you expect huh?, you kidnap me, they say I am to become your bride. Then you give me these stupid ass rules. What am I a dog, nah uhh dude you need to get some help or some shit like that because I ain't staying with your crazy ass." Once I am finished with my rant and I'm breathing heavily, then do I only notice he has stopped walking and is violently shaking with tense shoulders. I can feel the rage radiating of him and I know I am so dead. "Oh shit" I whisper. "Oh shit indeed!" Came his deadly reply.

The silence between us was deafening, time seemed to stand still as I awaited my doom. When we finally reached our destination, he pulled out a key from his front pocket and unlocked the red door, swung is open with his leg and marched right inside. By now my pulse is beating 100 miles an hour. The room looked more like a cell with concrete walls with various tools on the walls, a chair with handcuffs on it, a bed without the mattress and chains connected to the walls. To say the least, it looks more like a torture room than a cell. I am absolutely shitting myself with fright, I have no clue what's going on and in not to sure I want to know.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts when I'm out on my feet again "what am I doing here" I squeak out, he just laughs a dangerous laugh with a devil like look in his eyes before he answers. "This my little kitten is your punishment room I had this done especially for you" he breaths in my face while touching my nose, once he steps back I let out a ragged breath and watch him grab the chains attached to the wall. My breathing hitches as I ask "what are you doing with those?" " tying you up babe" comes his short reply as he walks towards me. "What ... No ... Wait please I will do anything you want .... Just .... Just not this" I stutter. " I know you will kitten, but I want to do this" he strokes my cheek "Now be a good girl and take your punishment!" He states coldly

No I can't do this, fight Ali fight. My mind screams, so with my plan I elbow him in the ribs then smash my foot down south for the second time today and then I make my dash for the door, just as I reach the door I remember the butcher knife I have in my pants oh how could you forget that Ali stupid, stupid I scream at my self. I grab the knife for a weapon and try to unlock the door, but with no luck. "It's not going to open without the key, darling" Damian mocks, I spin around and give him a feral glare and point the knife at him and say "don't come any closer Damian, I will kill you. So if you could be so kind as to throw me the key we can avoid you dying" I say smugly, very proud of my self. A booming laughter fills the dim room and I just stare at him blankly "Whats so funny?" I demand he suddenly stops laughing and becomes serious " what so funny Ali is you thinking you can kill a mafia lord. That my dear his hilarious." He says with deadly calm. "Look just give me the key" I say with annoyance. That's when it happened so fast. Damian throw the keys at me and I was so focused on trying to catch them I didn't see him charge towards me. As soon a I had the keys he grabbed my wrist with the knife in it and twisted it at an awkward angle making me drop the knife and bringing me to my knees, he then grab the key and throw it to the other side of the room. With me defenseless. Damian dragged me over to the wall where the handcuffs are, kicking and screaming "LET ME GO!!!" I scream as he cuffs my hands and pulls the chain making me stand right up on my tiptoes and arms right in the air. My breathing is all over the place I'm to scared and frustrated to speak anymore.

I watch him with wide eyes as he walks towards me and stop an inch from my face. " I wanted to make this easy for you kitten, but you just had to be so stubborn Ali so darn stubborn" he gives me a killer look before tracing my lips with the pad of his thumb "but your lucky that I find it such a turn on" he gives a deadly laugh before walking towards the wall, which had different types of whips on it.  He picks one and walks back over to me, I look him dead in the eye and hold my head high before saying "you can't break me" just as I finish speaking he rips my clothes clean off me, leaving in my bra and underwear "ahh what the hell you crazy ape of a man" I scream in his face. I watch as his eyes roam shamelessly over my half naked body, he then walks around me in circles and stops when he's behind me. I give a small scream when I feel his cold fingers  tracing patterns on my back. "You don't have to do this. Just let me go please" I whispered, then he did the unexpected.

He pulled my hair into a tight fist and pulled backwards bringing the back of my head to his shoulder, my hands fisted the chains as a ground my teeth to help with my burning scalp. " ohh but Ali I do, because if you don't learn or obey the rules how am I supposed to trust you when I'm not around uhh. You can't leave me because I will always find you I need you just as much as you need me kitten and I will make you love me even if it kills me, no one can have you other than me. Do you understand Ali, your MINE and only MINE." He said with such deadlines I could feel the ground shaking. "Now for your punishment. You will get 5 whippings wherever I please and if you make even the slightest sound you will have another punishment, for every sound you make." He breathed on my neck.

Before I could plead or answer he struck my back, hard but not hard enough to break the skin. I let out a slight whimper and he said "ohh poor little kitten that's one extra punishment" and he hit my back again but this time a little harder and he did this 3 more times each one harder than the other. I couldn't help the slight whimpers I let out but thankfully it was only 3. "Kitten I must say I'm impressed any other girl would be crying or begging me by now, but you haven't even begged me to stop yet makes me think you like it. Well done my love" he said while kissing my sweaty forehead. "I told you, you can't break me" I said with a rough voice "I know kitten, but I never intended to break your fiery heart, that's one of the things I love about you. Now for your other punishments. What should I do??" Damian asked. "Ahh I know I should leave my mark, so everyone knows who you belong to" he said agreeing with himself. I was really confused by what he meant and was about to ask, when he ran his hands on my back over my shoulders and stopes at my waist as he pulled me close and bit down HARD on my neck. Like he freaking bit like like I was his favorite food, this man needs help stat. To say it hurt would be a understatement it was excruciating, I'm pretty sure he drew blood, he than started to suck where he bit as to sooth the pain and boy let me tell you it felt amazing and I couldn't help the moan that left my mouth. 
I felt him smirk into my neck before saying "you like that huh kitten, you like it when I'm rough don't you" he mocked me but it felt so right. He did the same on my left hip bone an my right shoulder blade and I'm pretty sure I was close to climaxing.

By the time he was finished he seemed pretty pleased with his work and I was beyond exhausted from all the screaming, fighting and the moaning. He slowly released my from the chains and picked me up bridal style before taking me back to his bedroom. He placed me on the soft bed before climbing in himself and wrapping himself around me like a cage. My eyelids where half closed when I heard him say " I love you Ali please don't leave me."  He whispered, he sounded to truthful and I found my self believing him. No I can't do that, he's the enemy, but I can't help the feelings I have towards him even when he was punishing me, it felt so right and scary at the same time I loved it. I think, I think I might be falling for the mafia lord Damian Knight and with that thought I drifted into a deep sleep. 

Hello people, I'm really sorry I haven't updated for like two weeks school life has been hectic. I did this chapter extra long because I haven't updated in a while. It's a little steamy but I just wanted to give you guys and insight on Damian's behavior and how he likes to inflict pain with pleasure and be the dominant one. You will start to understand  Damian a
bit more as the book goes on. Thanks to everyone who is reading, please vote and comment if  you like it and I will try to update as soon as possible. Once again sorry for any mistakes. Thank you and love ya all xxxx

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