Chapter 1

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Bright lights flitted across my vision, flashing in various shades of reds, blues, yellows, oranges, and purples. Dizziness swirled around me, trapping me in a vortex of brilliant hues. A loud ringing blared in the distance, gradually becoming louder and more intense. I closed my eyes and pressed my hands to my ears in vain while colors still poured in, racing wildly.

The blood in my ears thrummed violently, pounding against my head. Terror swelled up in me, spreading throughout every inch of my body like a shockwave. The ringing drowned out in the pool of lights, and replacing it was an echo of hushed whispers. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but their voices were dark and ominous in contrast to the bright lights.

Specs of twinkling silver levitated around in a slow-moving circle like will-o-the-wisps. Heat radiated from them, advancing towards me, enclosing me in a flurry of fire. Every part of me ached and burned. Thick clouds of smoke rolled in, swallowing up the silvery flames and obliterating any trace of color. It made me choke and gag as it slithered through me and constricted around my lungs, enveloping me in a painful darkness in which I couldn't escape.

Then there was silence.


I swung around frantically, wondering who called my name and where it came from.


The voice became louder, almost desperate. Like whoever was out there was looking for me... The floor shook beneath me and crumpled under my weight as I fell.


I awoke with a start, sweat sliding down my face and onto my chest. Only to my surprise, they were tears. Two strong hands gripped both sides of my face, wrenching me out of my dream. Seth stood before me, holding my head firmly with one hand, and sliding his other hand across the salty tears with wide eyes.

Even in the dark, I could still picture his frame leaning over me. This was a daily-- or nightly routine of ours, but it still shook us both with fear. He placed a cool cloth on my forehead, alleviating the burning sensation that lingered from the nightmare. Pulling a chair over, he sat beside me, holding my warm hand in his while he hummed a rather blissful melody.

I shivered slightly, thinking back to the dream that plagued me as I slept. I've had them since last month when I turned sixteen, and they've never gone away. Every single night, I had nightmares, not always the same, but the only thing that appeared in each dream were the muffled whispers I couldn't understand. They sounded so distant and gurgled as if speaking underwater, yet so close and clairvoyant. It frustrated me to no end.

I've never told Seth about what went on in my nightmares, but thankfully, he didn't pry either. We let the silence speak for itself as he soothed me back to sleep. Only, after that, I couldn't bring myself to sleep. I couldn't go back to the place where fear controlled me. I usually just lie there, absorbing the chill of the icy cloth on my head and the low, tranquil hum from Seth.

My pulse eased, but the knot formed in my chest, growing tighter. Water dripped carelessly from the cloth onto my cheek, leaving a minor tingling charge when it collided with my hot skin. I winced and dug my face into my pillow.

Seth squeezed my hand, his eyes wandering around the room, then lowered his head. He wore a pained expression and he looked tired. I felt bad that he had to wake up each night just to console me when he could be getting some sleep, but he's never complained once.

"Seth?" I whispered quietly.

The humming died out, and he shot me a pensive glance. "Hmm?"

"You don't have to stay here, I'll be fine. Go get some rest."

Dare to DreamOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora