Chapter Twenty-Nine

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           Lily pushed against the heavy barrier that prevented her from going to her friend, her dear-spirited Ruby, who lay like a broken doll in Talon's arms.

        "Ruby?" she cried, feeling a surge of tears as her nails clamped down on the heavy arm pressing against her belly. "Ruby!"

         "Take her upstairs!" Varian shouted as he latched a tight grip on Lily's arm.

          Talon whisked by them, moving toward the stairs with an abruptness that stirred the hair on Lily's shoulders.

          She took a breath in a slight daze and turned sharply to follow.

          "No, Lily," Varian said sternly, his grip tightening.

          She whirled on him, her eyes teary and angry. "What do you mean 'she's been turned'?"

          He reached up to cup her cheek and she jerked away from him, "Lily-"

          She started for the stairs and he seized her up in his arms and moved toward the couch. "Damn you!" she cried, flailing wildly against him as he set her down.


           Varian settled beside her and gripped her shoulders tightly. "Listen to me, Lily, your friend is very alive but not stable, you can't go near her."

            Lily paled, "What's happened to her?"

            His mouth thinned into a grim line but before he could reply, Blanch strolled into the room, her blue eyes peering beyond him to something at his back.

             He gathered to his full height and turned, and felt a rage pull within him.

            "Marguerite." He hissed.

            The ethereal stone beauty casually strolled into the room, her eyes like ice as they settled on Lily.

            "What have you done?" Varian growled.

             Her cat eyes narrowed sharply as she turned his way, "What have I done? I didn't bring the human into our midst." She snarled.

              Varian took a step toward her, "You turned a human? What were you thinking?" he demanded.

              The lines of Marguerite's face grew taut, "I was bored-" her eyes wavered to Lily, "-and hungry."

             "You bitch!" Lily leapt from the couch but Varian was quick to cease her flight with one arm. "You've killed my friend!"

             A long, drawn growl issued from Marguerite's throat as she narrowed her eyes shrewdly on Lily. "Watch your tongue, human." Her mouth parted and she bared her fangs.

            "Blanch-" Varian growled, "Take Lily from the room."

             Blanch moved forward and gently pried Lily from Varian's grasp.

             Marguerite raised her chin as the two women left the room and turned a haughty glare on Varian. "Your human is out of line."

             "You are out of line!" Varian exclaimed, seizing her arm in an iron-grip that drew a sharp breath from her throat. "Best you not forget who you're talking too, Margie." He warned in a low, steady growl. "I can end you without notion."

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