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Copyright © 2017 by AnaBuu. All rights reserved.

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To the all heartbroken souls out there, who wander around in an attempt to forget and catch the last strand of hope they haven't found yet. - actually written by me

Leaving the book I'd recently found in the new local bookstore wide open on the hard wooden table, I quickly picked up the pace to remove the kettle from the stove. Satisfied with the aromatic smell the coffee had brought me, my hand automatically reached out for my favourite mug that was coloured with shades of white and blue. The mug itself wasn't anything spectacular, really. It was a basic cup with a deep meaning attachted to it. Perhaps more like a memory, on the second thought, since this is, after all, the only thing I have left from my dear mother. Or so I've been told.

The clock was ticking seven in the morning as I sat down with the hot liquid filled inside of the cup in my right hand. It has been a month and a half since I found myself jobless. Some people would expect me to work hard, considering how I'm only twenty-four years old. Then again the reality was so much far from it. Finding a job as a young psychologist was too much of a pain in the ass. Impossible, even.

I still couldn't decipher why on Earth I had got fired from my last and only job I've ever had in my life. For the last two years, I'd remained to have in my college, I was doing my practice at the hospital which was very close to the apartment I own and I didn't have to worry about being late whatsoever. At first, I was having a hard time adjusting to the new place and new people, but over the few months, I started to like the whole concept of working there. I enjoyed working with adolescence, regardless how much they were harder to work with than children. I enjoyed seeing things from other person's point of view – the way they'd think about certain things or the way how different opinions we'd have, but I'd still sit down and listen to all of them. Because that was what they all needed and were there for. Someone to listen to them and try to understand their stories.

When the time came and I had finally finished my college degree, I got the most amazing opportunity; to work at the same place I'd been doing my practice. Of course, I couldn't say no to that, so I accepted it on the spot. Not even a year later, I got a call from the woman who was in charge and I'd already knew it wasn't good news. Not because I was a pessimist, but it had more with the fact that people had started acting strange lately. But those bad news turned even worse when I heard her voice saying how I have to leave this place, just because I am no longer working there.

Neither she or anyone else there would give me a concrete reason why have I got fired. I tried to figure it out on my own but found the attempt pointless. If it had not been for my aunt Lorie, I'd be on the streets a long time ago. But she was there for me, even through all of these awful things that had happened in our lives. She was my solid rock I'd lean on every single time and for that, I've always been thankful.

Turning the white laptop on that was laying down on the same table I was sitting at, I took a few sips of the coffee I'd made and put the mug to the side. When I lost my job, I immediately started searching for the new ones and would always check my e-mail in case someone had the guts to hire the new fish in the sea. I had no such luck. My aunt told me I limited myself too much, but I told her I am not going to be one of those people who finished their school and was working everything but the thing they had educated themselves for. But for the last two weeks, I started to pay less attention to my e-mail, seeing how it only made me feel crestfallen. For some unknown reason, I decided to give it another try today.

Besides the usual trash I'd find in my new mail, the particular one caught my eye. It kind of surprised me when I read who had sent it. I had to ask myself if this was real.

From: Riverscope Prison

Date: Wednesday, 23. September 2015, 01:34 p.m.

For: Mia Tennyson


Dear Miss Tennyson,

We have gotten your job application at the Riverscope Prison, Akron, to work as a psychologist and are more than glad to inform you that you are accepted. We hope your best interests and abilities you had shown will help our people. Due to some circumstances, we would like if you'd come to work for us sooner than expected, starting from the first day of October, on Thursday. We look forward to working with you.

For any further questions, please contact me via e-mail or any other contact I have left in the appendix with other necessities you may need.


Mrs. Everstone


A/N - Hi again! This is my new story, something I've been working on for a while, and want to make it worth reading. My writing has been improved drastically but since I'm still non-native English speaker, you can always point out mistakes in the text and I will redo it!

You can always expect one chapter per week, even though I might post the first chapter at the end of this week. Chapters will be longer, I can assure you. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and vote if you liked it! xoxo

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