Chapter Fourteen- Jenna's POV

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‘Alpha there’s been an accident.’

I groaned and sat up. Klaus growled from underneath me and dragged me back down onto his chest. “It can wait.” He growled, kissing my neck. I moaned but pushed him away.

“No Klaus; I’m alpha I have to deal with this.” I pushed away, got up off the bed and pulled a sun dress over my head. They’d been the only things I could really wear for the past few weeks because I’d gotten huge, as big as when I’d had Alex and Caine; I was having twins again. I knew that any day now I would go into labour and it was both a daunting and extremely exciting.

I left him in our room and began the long trek down the stairs. Even from several floors up I could smell blood but it didn’t smell like wolf blood, it smelt… human. My eyes widened and I rushed down the steps as fast my pregnant belly would allow.

When I got to the bottom I elbowed my way through the crowd and the sight that greeted me made my heart stop.  Eve lay sprawled at the foot of the stairs; there was a gash on her forehead that was slowly oozing blood, her right leg was bent at an odd angle and her back looked broken. The most horrifying thing was the pool of blood underneath her that stemmed from between her legs; the baby!

Pack members stood around her and I knew that none of them had any idea what the hell to do. “Wake the pack doctor and somebody get a gurney… now!” I yelled, urging everyone into action. I bent down and pressed my ear to her chest, straining my hearing as I listened for a heartbeat. It felt like eons until I heard the faint thump, thump, thump and I sighed in relief; she was alive… barely though.

It was all a blur as the pack doctor rushed down the steps and Eve was carted off into emergency surgery. I knew that most of the pack was sleeping; Ace and Hansel would still be in their room and I knew that I had to tell them. The doctor’s prognosis had been brief but grim; he didn’t think Eve would make it through the night.

I drew myself up from the chair and slowly walked up the stairs. With every step I felt tears prick the back of my eyes but I blinked them away; Hansel and Ace didn’t need tears, they needed support. Eve was like my daughter though and I was angry this had happened to her; she was so careful and coordinated, how the hell did she fall down the stairs?

When I reached the top level I stood outside their door, staring at it blankly. As I raised my hand to knock, the door opened to reveal Ace and Hansel. They were laughing and joking with each other until they spotted me. They bowed their heads slightly with smiles. “Jenna.”

When they looked back up at me, they must have noticed my expression because their smiles quickly faded. “What’s wrong Jen?”

I took a deep breath and bowed my head; I actually couldn’t look them in the eyes and tell them that their daughter was dying. They’d already gone through it once and I saw how it broke them; could I really do that to them again?


“Eve fell down the stairs last night and was found this morning; she’s in surgery.” I looked up at their devastated faces. “It’s real bad; the doc doesn’t think she’ll make it.”

I saw Hansel fall to his knees and Ace soon followed. Their mournful howls filled the corridor and I knew that if she died, I would lose my friends; they wouldn’t be able to handle it. “I’m so sorry.” I murmured as a tear dripped down my cheek. “I am so fucking sorry.”


The hallways was crowded as we all waiting outside the operating theatre. Hansel sat beside me staring at the opposite wall while Ace paced the hallway, his hands clenched at his sides, knuckles white; Griffin was leaning against the wall, staring up at the ceiling as he played with his dog tags and Kade simply stood still, staring at the theatre doors.

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