Chapter Fifteen

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 "Hi Carly," I said walking into the kitchen.

 "Hi sweetie," she said looking up from a pot. "What are you doing here?"

 "Blake had to meet with some of the guys," I shrugged hopping up on the counter. "Whatcha making it smells really good."

 "Stir fry," Carly laughed. "Some of the boys are back home from a job so we're having a cookout, but one of them asked specifically for stir fry. Thank you."

 "For what?"

 "The memorial of Cole," she said smiling. "He would have loved that, you have always been like a daughter to me. I'm sorry for what my husband did and told you."

 "Its okay," I smiled. "I understand why he did it. Always protect your family first even if it hurts others."

 "Carly," a loud bitchy voice sounded. "I heard Blakey is here do you know where he is?"

 "Why would he want to see you," I mumbled munching on pepper.

 "What you are five?" she scoffed, "When did they started letting babies into the clubhouse. Cute costume."

 "At least I'm not a bitch," I smirked walking around Carly. "I'm going to find Carlos, thanks for the snack. Love you mom."

 "See you later sweetie," Carly smiled and I skipped out of the kitchen. Humming I walked into the yard and saw some of the guys practice shooting.

 "I win," a cute black haired guy yelled and I giggled.

 "The hell..."

 "That's one big bunny," the older man chuckled. "Hello sweetheart, what are doing out here?"

 "I'm bored and you looked like you were having fun," I smiled holding my hand out. "Willow, nice to meet you."

 "Pete," older man nodded looking me up and down.

 "Mik," the black haired boy from earlier said. "What a cute innocent girl like you doing here?"

 "I'm not that innocent," I smirked quickly grabbing his collar and tossing him over my shoulder jerking his arm back and pressing my foot between his shoulder blades. "Innocents can be an act you just have to find out how to spot it."

 "The hell did you do that?" Jerking my head up I saw the three guys from the other day staring at me wide eyed.


 "Take him down," the one in the cowboy hat. "He's had military training for years and you just took him down like bull on red."

 "Element of surprise," I shrugged moving when the guy groaned. "Always works back at Beast MC, I'm usually the only one who can get Sala on the ground when practicing."

  "Cowboy," he said walking up to me, I watched him tense slightly before he made a grab for me as I spun grabbing his arm flipping so I had my legs wrapped around his neck and he hit the ground as I rounded before jumping to my feet.

 "My turn," I heard someone whisper before I felt movement behind me rolling over my head I spun on my heel before kicking my leg out at hitting him in the shoulder as I felt more people show up. He growled provoking the directing I knew he was going and I quickly stepped to the side giggling when I heard a thud and groan.

 "This is fun," I giggled looking up when a big, tall, machine of a man walked up and he smirked some as I cocked my head to the side. Grinning I jumped him turning so I slid behind him before I hit the middle of his back and he grunted stumbling forward, "Not gonna fight back?"

 He growled before making a swipe at me and I dodged grabbing his wrist and twisted but he spun with me and hit my shoulder as I stumbled back with a grunt. Smirking I began jumping in place as I noticed a panicked looking Arizona run off before I turned my attention back to my fun.

 "Your open," I said before flipping back kicking him in the chest. "Always block yourself."

 "Hey," turning my head I saw Carlos with an amused look on his face. "Catch."

 He tossed me and the other guy a metal pole, looking at Carlos he nodded and I giggled pulling my hood up and spinning the pole around turning to look at the other guy blocking all of his hits I froze for a second when I heard a familiar growl moving quickly I tossed my pole in the air grabbing the other one and twisting until we rolled and I ended up straddling the guys back shoving hid head into the ground raising my hand and catching the pole.

 "Bunny," Blake growled amused.

 "Don't look at me like that," I said getting up and walking up to Blake. "I was bored and I always do this at Beast MC."

 "So you decided to make fools out of my men," he said staring down at me.

 "Yep," I giggled turning around smiling at the men I just humiliated. "No hard feelings?"

 "How the hell did you take down a man that goes by the name Monster?" Carlos asked walking over to me.

 "Cause I'm me," I giggled grabbing his arm. "And you own me a pizza. Let's go."

 "Willow!" Blake yelled and I sighed.


 "Where are you going?"

 "To get pizza," I said placing my hands on my hips. "Why don't you go hang out with Miss-I'm-a-bitch-and-everyone-should-back-off-cause-I'm-Blakey's-girlfriend. Bye bye."

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