The other Mendes

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*this is the longest one shot I ever done but sorry for my grammar mistakes too lazy to go back and check*

Your pov,
I sat in Shawn's car waiting on his ass, he was in football practice and I took his car keys because I had finished my English project and I still had to wait on him for about 20 more minutes but it's already been almost an hour and he wont hurry up.

I don't like being at Shawn's practices because well I'm not as popular as he is, everyone just knows me as the other Mendes or his freaky sister, he doesn't know the names everyone calls me but if he did I know he would fight anyone for hurting me, but I rather stay away from the problems and not tell him.

I look behind me and don't see any sign of Shawn I sigh and get my phone out to call him up, but I drop my phone hearing a loud knock beside my windows I look over and it was my older brother smiling,

I pull down the window

"I scared you did I,"

"What the fuck is taking so long" I asked annoyed I just want to go home and leave this hell hole called school

"I was waiting on Camila, she'll be out in a few" I felt butterflies in my stomach just at the mention of her name.

Camila is Shawn's girlfriend they been dating for about a year and half now let's say and it broke my heart the moment I found out, I had always had a crush on Camila ever since I was in 6th grade and they were 7th graders, they started dating in their Junior year and now they are seniors and it still hurt to see them together.

I tried getting over Camila because I mean I don't have a chance with her anymore she's dating my brother but every time I feel myself slowly moving on she does something to bring me back to her, I'm just too deeply in love with her to move on anymore.

"You could've told me I would've walked home" I mumbled I don't like being with Shawn and Camila it's awkward for me,

"Oh come on sis Camila loves hanging out with you and anyways I wouldn't let you walk home" he chuckled handing me a water bottle

"Thanks" I mumbled getting out the passenger sit I was going to get in the back but I hear that cheerful voice

"Hey you two" I turned giving her a slight smile she smiled and went over to Shawn giving him a peck on the lips I looked down slightly but picked my head up when she came over to me

"Hi Y/n"

"Hi" she wrapped her arms around my neck hugging me tightly I love when we hug, I quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, our hugs are usually longer then usual hugs but I don't really mind because I get to hold her for a while longer

She pulled away smiling,

"We all ready?" Shawn asked smiling grabbing a hold of her hand

"Yeah" I nodded agreeing with Camila and getting in the car
Camila was going to come over our place for a bit to finish up a project she was paired up with Shawn it's always awkward at home when she's over because I mean we're all teenagers and we get hormonal but Shawn doesn't really hide it at home with Camila it's so nasty to me because well I'm love in with Camila and to see that just pisses me off.

I walked pass them to my bedroom while they stayed in the living room, I throw my bag on the floor and took my shirt off going over to my closet to find a t-shirt.

My phone started ringing so I turn going over to pick it up

"Hey Dinah" I smiled

"What's ups my little partner" I chuckled

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