Chapter 6- Life and Death

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Brianna eventually freed herself after hours of fighting to get out of the ropes. She saw how bruised her hands were from the tight ropes and grimaced at the sight of them. They were numb from how tight the ropes had been, causing poor blood circulation and they also cut into her wrists. She did not know how long she had been kidnapped for but she knew her time was limited.

She had already stopped crying and looked empty. Her eyes held no emotion and she did not look like the happy girl she had been hours before her kidnapping. Her face still had bruises and cuts but it didn't hurt as much. Her clothes were torn up and she was really hungry as her belly growled. However, she could not focus on eating right now. She needed to escape alive.

She composed herself and tried the door, but it was locked. This could work to her advantage however. The room was very dark so she could hide in a corner to prepare herself mentally for what she was willing to do for her freedom.

She sat in a corner away from the door and sat perfectly calm.

Hours passed and she even dosed off but her past kept haunting her so she preferred staying wide awake, adjusting her eyes to the dark room.

The sudden rattling of the door made Bree fully alert. She stood up quietly and was now waiting for the door to open.

These were the most terrifying and nerve wrecking minutes of her life.

The door swung open and then using a sneak attack, Brianna immediately gave the man a roundhouse kick in the head using her front foot, knocking him out instantly. He fell to the ground with a thud and she gave him one more skull crushing kick to the head. She then dragged his body further into the room and searched for any weapons which she could take from him.

She found a pistol with a fully loaded magazine so she quickly put this in her pants waistband. She also found a set of keys and a security card on the man which she knocked out.

Bree then quickly exited the room, shutting the door. She was not sure where she was but there were many doors in the hallway. No guards were in sight so she took this opportunity to search for Aubrey. As she ran through the halls, she heard voices speaking in Spanish. She hid quickly in a corner where they could not see her but she had a clear view of the men before her.

"Él caerá el caso pronto. Él está pidiendo el retorno seguro de las dos chicas . Incluso dispuestos a destruir los expedientes de los casos como si nada de esto hubiera ocurrido ." one of them said.

Bree gasped in shock but quickly covered her mouth, praying to God that they did not hear her. She understood what the men were saying, 'He will drop the case soon. He is asking for the safe return of the two girls. Even willing to destroy the case files as if none of this had happened ."

Paying attention in class had actually been beneficial to her.

She didn't want her father to drop the case after all this time. These Mexicans were going to pay for what they had done. They messed with the wrong family.

They spoke a little while longer and then one of them headed in the direction where Bree was held captive and the other went through another hallway.

Brianna followed the other one as she knew he would lead her to Aubrey. She followed him very quietly. She did not know how many men were guarding the place so she could not let them know she had escaped.

He used a security card to gain access into the room. She could hear Aubrey crying from outside and the men were speaking loud and laughing.

"Usted es una animadora bonita. Baila para mi." she could hear one of the men say.

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