You Reap, What You Sow

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Stryker's P.O.V

I ran down the hallway as fast as I could. Once I reached the Beta's room, standing there were two men. 

I whispered Calvin to see it really was him.

When he turned and his eyes widened as they met mine, I knew it was him. 

On the outside I tried to act surprised but on the inside I was smirking. I finally got him and now I could take over as Alpha as soon as I make him come back to me. 

"It's're back." I mumbled. Making sure to add a hint of happiness in my voice to convince him I was happy to see him.  

He was shocked stiff. 

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his cheek. As I got closer I got a better look at him, he got good looking.

"I missed you...I'm sorry about everything I was such an idiot."

I slowly leaned in to kiss him to make this whole act more believable. 

When my nose brushed his, he blinked and snapped out of it. Sudden pain in my  groin caused me to move away from him. When I looked down I saw him lowering his foot. 

I gritted my teeth. The fucker kicked me. 

Before I had time to recover and mourn the loss of all my possible children. I was punched in the side of my head. 

I fell to the ground and looked up at him. 

He had a blank look on his face as he just kind of stood there. 

Child-like laughter from the Beta's room shifted his attention from me to the door. 

As I got up, the door flew open and a small boy emerged. I stared at him curiously. I didn't know him, but who ever he was, he was making my wolf get all riled up. And I haven't heard from my wolf since I rejected Calvin. 

"Mama, Grandpa is so funny. He told me a lot of funny stories and stuff about you."

Calvin smiled back at the boy, ruffling his hair. "Did he?"

"Calvin...I." I started the boy raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Mom, is he talking to you? And why is he calling you Calvin, I thought you're name was Ian."

"I'll explain some other time, hun. For now, let's go. I have work in the morning." With that all three left, Calvin leaving for the second time in my life. 

I angrily walked back to my room, only to find Melissa still there. That hoe just doesn't understand that after we fuck she needs to leave.

"How did it go?" She asked pulling up her tube top.

"Why should I report back to you, are you my girlfriend?" I didn't give her a chance to respond before replying with a loud.."No!"

She pouted and came to sit beside me. Wrapping her hands around my bicep. "Come on, Stry..don't be like that." 

I pushed her off my arm. "Get out.."

"But Stry.."

"Get out, Bitch!" I screamed glaring over at her. 

She pouted, grabbing her stuff and marched out of my room. 

I sighed, falling back on my bed and rubbing my temple. 

I chuckled to myself. "After all these years, he still punches the same."


I know I don't usually put Author's Note in this book but I just had to say, I'm sorry about how short this chapter is. But he's an asshole and writing his chapter upsets me..haha.

Anyways, I'll update at a later date.


NERIS (BoyxBoy) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon