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 This is dedicated to bballstarz1350 because she was the very first comment on my first chapter and I couldn't help but to feel happy because someone who’s reading my new story and likes it. :D Thank You bballstarz1350 

Happy Birthday to my Sister in Law Yamilee! I Love You. :D

Happy Reading :D

Payton P.O.V.

 "What is that?" I asked Tristen as he held my worst enemy face to face with me. It was in a weird oval shape with prickly stuff all over it. The top had these long leafy things sticking out of it and Tristen held it out to me as if I were going to touch it.

Tristen gave me funny looked before say, "Payton, it's a pineapple."

"Yeah, it's the death of me," I said pushing it away from my face. If he thinks I'm eating that foul thing then he is hilarious! Matter of fact, he's the best comedian I've ever meet. First I run after his car for miles looking like an idiot and now he expects me to eat that? Ha! We'll see.

Dropping the pineapple onto the counter Tristen ran a hand through his dark hair, really? He's acting like he's the one doing all the work. Can someone say temper issues? "Payton," he said with a small smile on his face. "Yes?"

"I don't care what you like and don't like, my job isn't to care about you or what you like shoving down your throat! My job is to help you shed a couple of pounds, so if you think I'm going to be your friend through this whole year then I'm sorry for you because you’re wrong!"

I felt my eyes watering, No not from what he said and not because he hurt my feelings. "Your--- your my trainer for a whole ye--year?" I asked him and he looked at me as if I were stupid. "Did you not hear anything else that I said?" he asked and that’s when I officially understood what he said. "I'm stuck running and eating crap for a year! I thought this was only for a week!" I yelled.

I ran out of the kitchen and into my room, slamming the door behind me. I was thinking about getting something to eat from my stash to make me feel better but thought better of it---Tristen would probably smell it on my breath and take away my Cheetos. So now the question is, what can I do for the next couple of hours? Eating isn't really an option and if I try leaving this house Tristen will only drag me back here. 

A smile grew on my face, but maybe I can sneak past him and go to that ice cream parlor a couple of blocks away. By the time I get home he won't be here. What a genius I am! I got off my bed and pushed my window up and climbed, it was a struggle getting out the window but I made it and climb down the tree.

"So you think you can escape me, huh?" I jumped before turning around and looking at Tristen. He had a huge smile on his face as he leaned on the side of the house. "Next time you’re trying to run away stick to doors.”

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. I already have everyone at school calling me fat and I don't need him calling me fat. But does it surprise me that he's calling me fat.......nope, not at all. “It just means you should stick to using doors until you learn how to climb down a tree without shaking every branch."

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