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The next morning I was walking around the courtyard while eating an apple. Jorge and his boys would occasionally stare at me and laugh. I counted the guards and prisoners, looked around to each wall, looked at the fence. I walked around the courtyard looking on the outside trying to plan a route that would get us out. On the road we'd have nothing to cover us, but in the forest we could get lost. Before I knew it, it was time to go back to our cells, and I hadn't even thought of how to get to Alysha again.

"I need you to punch me." We had just walked into our cell.

"What?" Danny laughed.

"I forgot to come up with a way to get to Alysha so I need to get to the infirmary."

"So you want me to punch you? The guy who can't even lift weights."

"Come on just give me a bloody lip or nose or something."

"Once again you're asking the guy who can't even lift weights."

"Put your mind to it. Think of something that'll make you angry. I don't know just do it."

Out of nowhere he grabbed my head and smashed it into the wall. I heard my nose crack and blood got everywhere.

"Dude what the hell!" I touched my nose and tilted my head lightly back.

"You said to think of something that made me angry."

"What the hell did you think about?"

"This one time in middle school a kid did that to me and I pushed him down the stairs. He lived, but I always dreamed of breaking his nose."

"You have some real issues don't you." I said with an attitude.

"Sorry." He laughed.

I grabbed him by the shirt. "You're lucky if I don't kick your ass when I get back."

I pushed him away and went close to the door.

"Hey guard! Hellooo!" I yelled.

"Keep it down would you." The guard that walked around our parts said.

"Got a bloody nose here."

"Oh yeah. And how'd that happen?"

"I tripped." I gave Danny a dirty look.

He grunted. "They don't pay me enough for this." He grabbed me by the arm and took me to the infirmary.

I sat on the bed and waited while holding my nose with one hand and catching the blood with the other.

"Oh my gosh what happened." Alysha rushed in. "I didn't think that when you said you'd hurt yourself you're really hurt yourself."

"It's nothing."

"Well what is it?" She cleaned the blood off my face.

"I thought of a plan." I whispered. "Well kind of."

"What is it?"

"Well I was talking to Danny and I thought of a way where we could cause a malfunction with the fire alarm and sprinklers which would force them to put us outside. Then if there were to be a fight half the guards would be busy with that while the others were locked in the control room. We could easily slip out of here."

"How would you keep the guards from shutting everything down?"

"When Danny came here they took his computer away. Do you think you could get it?"

"Can't he just use mine?"

"He needs a certain software or whatever. It would take him a while to program your computer. And we need to do this before my hearing."

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