Chapter 16: Want You

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Chapter 16: Want You

My eyes opened and the gruesome scene around me was the first thing I saw.

Bloodied clothes and severed limbs laid strewn across the floor. My nostrils was filled my the noxious scent of decaying body parts.

My eyes darted to wall to wall only to find a ladder and some sort of hatch connected to the ceiling. Everything was the color yellow, not counting the blood splattered across the floors and walls. My vision was slightly hazy, with a cloudy mind. The only thing I could think of was finding a way to escape.

My body felt as if it was burning and all my limbs were sore. I forced myself to climb the ladder, but the hatch wouldn't budge. The room didn't have any devices or furniture. It was bare, empty. There's no way I'm getting out. This is just like last time.

I was confined. I wanted to cry, scream to my hearts content, but I didn't have the breath to do so. Nobody knows I'm missing. I didn't want to admit to it, but this was probably the first time I actually wanted Kayden here.

There were hardly any spots that weren't painted with blood or limbs. I was getting used to the vulgar scent of blood. As a werewolf you get used to it. We solve problems by using chaos, and destruction. We draw blood from our enemies and frolic in it. It's disgusting, inhumane. Then the outcome is something like this room.

I sighed and sat against the clean part of the wall. Maybe I should have tried harder to open the hatch up. It's designed weirdly, it's like I've seen that specific design somewhere. Like maybe in a movie? I couldn't tell.

There was a lingering scent of something burnt. There were weird devices on the ceiling that I now noticed as well. What purpose does this room even serve?

A voice suddenly started talking in a monotonous voice.

"5 days, 8 hours, 42 seconds for automatic start."

I looked around, but saw no one. "Klynn, we meet again. Except this time I have you forever." I heard that voice before... Linda. Can't believe she followed me around non-stop.

"Don't worry about that voice. That's just the incineration starting. Notice all unnecessary items around? I set the timer to a long time because I want your little mate to come here and fall into my trap. All there is left is for you to die. Your blood is highly unstable so you're useless. I doubt he will ever find you," she snickered. My face paled at the thought of being toasted.

"I'll see if you can even survive without food or water before it starts. This'll be fun." Her voice trailed off at the end, leaving the place in silence.

I couldn't mind link Fahren with this nauseating feeling in my head. Everything goes to shit no matter what I do. People say the moon goddess doesn't make mistakes, so she clearly planned my demise from the start.

My only hope on getting out of this place is to find a way to contact somebody. Maybe find an escape or two, but for now I need rest. Maybe it's the looming feeling of my certain demise that's draining my energy, or maybe she drugged me. I couldn't tell.



Days have passed and I haven't found a single town or pack anywhere.

It made me think about my pack. Without their alpha it's probably chaos there, or maybe another alpha took it over. My parents are still there, but they're not in any shape or form to lead the pack anymore. I can only hope the neighboring packs didn't destroy them.

I wasn't fit to be alpha yet. I didn't know anything about being an alpha. They forced me to take the spot of alpha when I wasn't ready.

The only thing I knew how to do was paperwork. A simple answer to a simple question or suggestion. There were times where I would have troubles, but overall Quinn did the work.

Maybe I should just give the position to someone else who's worthy. When the alpha dies and there's no heir to gain the title, it goes to the beta. That's the reason why the world is filled with corrupt packs. People who aren't worthy to have the title tend to have the power get to their heads, but I trust Quinn. I'm sure he was more fit for the spot then me.

I heard a twig snap behind me and I instinctively got into a defensive stance.

I turned around to meet face to face with another wolf of a darker pelt staring me straight in the eyes. His presence itself told me that I should run, but I could feel hundreds of more wolves hiding behind the numerous dead trees surrounding the area.

"Shift, now." His voice held authority and as much as I didn't want to listen I probably would get mauled to death. I shifted back into my human form and he did as well. I sat on the grass trying to conceal my dignity. He didn't care as much as I did and let his package hang freely.

He seemed to be in his early 20s, but he was probably older then that. "What's your deal in our lands, small alpha? You know trespassing can get you killed and I wouldn't want that pack of yours to lose their alpha would I?" He said with a snide voice.

"I'm looking for my mate," I said. I didn't think giving him anymore details would be a good idea. He stared at me for a while, seemingly getting bored.

"I don't believe you. Why aren't you marked? I don't like liars, nor do I have time for them."

"Made mistakes that I want to fix with my mate. Well, numerous mistakes that I have been reminded off almost every single day. I'm determined to fix my mistakes even if it kills me." It felt good to let out everything. I rant to Quinn when I'm stressed out, but a stranger will do.

He scoffed and kneeled down to my level. "I want to see this mate of yours. If your mate is so important to risk your life out here then so be it. Any clue on where he is?" He asked.

I thought about it for a while when I came to the realization that I don't know where I am. If I don't know my location how am I suppose to find Klynn?

"I woke up somewhere around here without a clue on where I am or where my mate is," I said shrugging my shoulders. "That doesn't matter though, because I will do whatever it takes to find my mate."

"Don't worry. I have pretty good trackers and they can track down the different scent you have on you." I forgot! I practically rubbed myself against him. Now I'm kinda glad I did.

"What's your name? Mines Kayden." He rolled his eyes and stood up.

"It's Riley," he said holding out his hand. I gladly took it. I brushed myself off and he threw me my clothes. I thought I lost these... He must have followed me all the way here.

I'm glad he did follow me. I don't think I could do this alone.

"Come, now. Let's first introduce you to my pack. They'll be excited to meet you." I quickly threw on my clothes and followed behind him.


A/N: Sorry for updating late. If you haven't already please know that I wont be updating frequently. It'll be once a month at least.

Sorry if you get confused. I know in the earlier chapters it was a little messy. I hope you enjoyed the recent update of this story.


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