Chapter 5

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Authors note: You guys did give me the five comments I asked for so here you go!

By the way, this chapter isn’t my very best, meaning it will probably be edited sometime in the future so please don’t be too harsh with the comments! :)


After lying on face down on my bed for at least an hour, lazily trying, and failing, to get some shuteye. After a while I gave up and got up, deciding that I was in desperate need of a shower.

Quickly, I undressed myself and got into the shower.  I turned the faucet so that the water was almost boiling hot. Once I was done scrubbing myself clean and washing my hair with my favourite shampoo, I started getting ready for the party.

I stood frowning at my wardrobe, feeling slightly clueless.

What could I wear?

A dress seemed like the most obvious option, so I pulled out four or five dresses that looked right for the occasion.

After ten minutes I was still staring at the dresses with a puzzled look on my face. Which one should I wear? The weird thing was that since my life was so different to most girls my age, I never really had to face the problems that most teenage girls faced, like boys and clothes, yet here I was, completely clueless about what to wear.

There was a loud knock on my door and I shouted, "Come in!"

The door slowly opened and Katrina, our housekeeper, came in. Katrina had been around for as long as I could remember, she cooked, she cleaned and even though she knew that what my brothers and I did for a living wasn’t very legal, she was like a second mother to me and she loved us to pieces.

"Oh, hey Katrina! It's great to see you again," I said returning my gaze to the wardrobe.

"It's wonderful to see you to Miss Moreno, I just wanted to see if you needed anything," Katrina said.

"No, no, I'm fine,” I smiled at her, “Thanks for asking though."

Katrina nodded and opened my door again to leave. Before she went out the door she turned to look at me, "Miss Moreno, if I had your legs, I would wear the black dress on the left," she grinned and shut the door.

I stared after her for a few seconds before returning my gaze back to the dresses. I picked up the black dress that Katrina had suggested and looked it over.

It didn't look to fancy, just a plain black strapless dress, it looked as if it would come up to mid thigh on me and I knew it would go great with my black high heels.

I put it on quickly and looked myself over in the mirror, grinning at my reflection, just as Katrina had said, they did show off my long tanned legs as well as a little bit cleavage but I was thankful that I didn't look too slutty.

Feeling both happy and satisfied, I started on my hair. I had wavy brown, shoulder length hair, after blow-drying it I pondered over the idea of straightening it but then decided not to straighten it and instead left it natural, framing my face.

I hurriedly did my makeup before putting on my shoes and glancing at the clock. It was already 10:11. Meaning Jake had four minutes until a winner was announced.

Before I left my room I silently prayed that Jake had lost the bet, but judging by the noise, which was coming from behind the door, I very much doubted that.

Pulling my door open I looked around, hordes of people were gathered everywhere, most were familiar faces that I had come across a lot in the past couple of years, but there were a few people I didn't recognize.

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