Emmets Day

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I personally wanted this to be a Emmett Cullen fanfic but decided Jacob should have a chance in falling in love with a girl his age instead of a baby. What are you're thoughts of him falling in love with his ex-crushes daughter?!!?😂😂 I think it's sweet but it kinda freaked me out!😧😂
((Emmett's POV))

I missed my little angel. Right now I'm hanging out with Rose playing video games while she is reading catalogues of clothes, makeup, shoes and cars.

That is boring. Shei was fun. She loved playing games with me..


I stand up abruptly knocking over one of Esmes antique vases startling Rose along the way.
" What's wrong!" She asks me.

"Nothing I miss Shei so I'm gonna call her. You're too boring babe..NO offense !!" I added quickly noticing her glare when I say the last sentence. She grumbles something under her breath low enough so that I couldn't hear. I just ignored her im too busy right now.
I happily skip to the counter and picked up my phone where I placed it. I dialed sheis number.

((Phone conversation))

"SHEI: Hello." Sheis angel like voice answers. I smile.

"EMMETT: shei come over pleeeeassseeeee. I'm bored" I begged and pouted and she laughs.

"SHEI: No need to ask. I was already getting ready to go see you I'm on my way there. See you soon bro." She hangs up.

I smile and do a happy dance while Rose stares at me weirdly. I don't care if I look like an idiot.

((Sheis POV))

I am soo excited!! I'm finally seeing Emmett after a whole boring week.

Edward told us that Bella found out about vampires and the whole family was basically mad. Esme wasn't really mad. She wasn't very mad but just a tad disappointed. I doubt no one would compare to Rosalie though, she was the definition of angry, she was seething.
I'm actually pretty glad that I could now reveal my secret to her without always feeding her lies.

I sped my way to the Cullen household.
I knocked on the door and Emmett opened it. Once he caught sight of me he immediately wrapped me in his arms. I was sooo happy. It feels good to be loved. I haven't had that in four years. My parents practically ditched me for their careers but I know that it isn't entirely their fault. I mean they were just doing their jobs to provide for me. They truly did love me... Right?

((No ones POV))

The whole day was spent with Emmett playing video games with Shei. Shei also flew in the air using her wings while carrying Emmett because he wanted to experience what it was like to fly. They had fun and made memories that would last forever. Their bond grew stronger to the point where both of them would risk their lives for each other.

He asked if they could go to her house so he could check it out. Emmett wanted to finally visit her place to see how awesome it was. When she agreed his face lit up like a child receiving his own Christmas present.

They finally stopped at her house. Emmett was speechless. Her house was incredible! The inside was even more astounding. Emmett had his jaw slacked and eyes bulging right out if his sockets. Shei immediately took out her phone and snapped a pic of him. He looked ridiculous!

Their day had been fun playing games, flying, riding cars, watching movies, Shei even went hunting with Emmett.

She had figured that Emmett was admiring her black Lamborghini so much. She decided to give it to him as a present.

They exchanged hugs and goodbyes. It was clear that Emmett didn't want to leave her but he had to get home eventually.

True to her word she did send Emmett his present. When Emmett got home with his siblings, they all saw the car in the garage with a big bow and a note on its front. Emmett went to read the note...

"To my big teddy bear,
Emmett I love you and I want spoil you soo bad bro. So I noticed that you loved this car and decided to give it to you as a present. I bought it because I'd rather have you have a new one than a used one .Don't worry because I have more cars in my garage. I could always buy more too. But anyways that's not the point... I'm saying that if you ever want or need something I'm always here for you bro. I'll help and guide you if you have troubles because it's already past the point where I love you too much to ever let you go. I would even choose death for you. That just shows my appreciation towards you Emmett Cullen. So if you ever need me with anything just know that I, your sister will help in any way possible.
Yours Truly,
Shei "

By the time Emmett finished reading the letter he had tears in his eyes that'd never fall with a smile on his face. His eyes landed on his new car that she had bought him. He went over and saw that his new keys even had a two chains one that said his name Emmett Cullen, and the other that said "shei is awesome" in cursive writing. He was so happy that he was smiling the whole day. Just wait till he faces her at school tomorrow. His siblings still stared in disbelief at the letter, car, Emmett and everything. They couldn't believe he got this from Shei. I mean they were really close but this close for her to buy him his own car!?

((Edwards POV))

After school we all went home in my Volvo that we all agreed to go in as the rest didn't want to drive since were all going to be late if we all drove separately to school.

Emmett opened the garage and we were all instantly captivated by the sight before us. There sat a black Lamborghini with a big bow and a note. I heard Emmett mutter. "is this my surprise present?" Surprise present?? From who? Once he finished reading he had tears in his eyes and had a bright smile. The rest me, Alice, jasper and Rosalie went over to look at the note and we were all so surprised. Shei had bought him this present. She truly loved Emmett. Even thought it has only been a month. We were all shocked but glad that Emmett was happy.
(Talk about sibling goals😍😍)
Emmett shows and gives her love.
In appreciation she buys him a car lol
💞I wish she were my sibling.

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