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Drunken Memories

I WOKE UP towards a thumping headache that had branched out through my mind. It had dulled into a numbing ache that spread out every so often, but other than that, the hangover-like feeling wasn't as bad as I could have imagined. Through my much rowdier years in high school and college, I had endured many hangover mornings like this one; it wasn't an unfamiliar scene.

In fact, it was so familiar that I had expected to see the comforting surroundings of my cozy little bedroom, along with a comfortable bed and perhaps even my television playing from the night before. Instead, I was greeted by a cold dark room, meeting only silence to reply to my plentiful questions.

A single bulb of light swung from the ceiling, illuminating just enough to light a small circle around me. It reminded me greatly of an interrogation room, one in which had just enough lighting to view the suspect's face clearly.

Other than the fact that I was in an unfamiliar territory, the second thing that had caught my attention was that somehow, my hands along with the rest of my body was a ghastly shade of pale translucent wispy blue-green that resembled those glow-in-the-dark decorations one could buy from the local crafts store. My clothes hung loosely over my body, a dark opaque just like how they would normally color but it contrasted so distinctively against my semi-disappearing body.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself, observing my fingers against the light, only to have the glare go right through them. "Where the hell am I?"

A single window, about the size of a normal school desk, allowed just the bare minimum of illumination into the room, drawing me towards the edge as I peered out. When the sight of still boats and a frozen body of water greeted me, I knew that I was still in the boathouse after whatever bizarre dream had turned into a horrible nightmare of a reality.

Like I had mentioned, winter in Riverside Creek was not a very cold season. At most, a nice warm sweater would be enough to beat the cold and hold in warmth. However, the body of water that ran free for as long as this town had been named was frozen solid.
Something was obviously not right.

A crunch sounded in my pocket, the noise in which crinkling of paper would make, drawing my attention as I stuck my hand into the pockets of my jeans and pulled out a now crumpled piece of paper. My eyes widened as I scanned the words through, wrecking my brain in an attempt to figure out what on earth was actually happening right now and if I were still in a dream.
No, a nightmare.

So you're finally awake; good for you.

The game begins one hour after 12, and take it as a fighting chance offered to you even though I could have easily won over before the game even started. Rules of this game? You have 48 hours, meaning the rest of the weekend to find parts of your soul in which I had extracted from you from that kiss we shared. They are spread across this boathouse, and along with this piece of paper, you will find a list to aid you in whatever attempt you might try. Find one soul, and the next clue will appear.

Of course, you will not be winning so easily. If my lips were to touch yours once more, you automatically lose and your life will be mine. Find a piece of your soul and you will grow stronger and immune for half an hour. Find them all, and you will be free. There are 5 parts in total. Don't bother trying to call anyone. I've cut off all service and signals the second you stepped through those front doors. Your family won't even know that you're gone.

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