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"that is not—phil! what the fuck!" dan slaps the branch out of my hands as i attempt to bring it closer to the lighter, and i just scowl at him, giving him a strange look.

"you stupid fuck, the branch is literally drenched in fuel, do you want to burn off your hand?" he yells and i seem to notice the oil on my fingers as i give him a sheepish look, biting my tongue, my eyes wandering away from him.

i wipe my hands on my jeans once dan is done giving me a disappointed glare, and i simply watch as he throws a few branches and leaves in the pit, throwing in a little more fuel and lowering the lighter. i notice the way the fire crackles immediately, gradually rising in height, the flames casting a yellow glow on a part of dan's face, making his soft features look a lot more sharper.

god, he's kinda pretty when he doesn't talk.

"phil! you twat! are you deaf?" and there goes all the beauty. i roll my eyes, raising my eyebrows at him in question, and he just points his finger towards the giant bag full of firewood and dry leaves, silently demanding me to get it for him.

i groan in frustration, getting off my spot from the ground and dusting my jeans slightly before i grab the bag, bringing it over to dan as he grabs large handfuls of twigs and throws them in the fire, making the flames climb higher and the flame burn brighter.

"i'm gonna go get changed till you make the fire, is that okay?" i ask him, and he just nods, brown eyes fixed on the blazing orange colour, and i just smile slightly at his face, which seems deeply infatuated with the fire, and make my way to the tent.

the yellow walls of the tent are painted with a harsh white light, and i wince a little, wishing i could just sleep outside instead.

the temperature has dropped slightly, and it is a bit colder now, so i pull out a thick jumper and some sweatpants, quickly stripping and dressing up, stuffing my old clothes into a separate pocket of my bag. i push the hair off my forehead and poke my head out of the zipper of the tent to check on dan, simply finding him sitting next to the fire, his knees pulled to his chest and his head resting on his folded arms.

if i was good at drawing, i would probably draw him right now, but i'm not so i just pull my phone out secretly and take a picture of him, hoping to god that he doesn't notice.

after a few minutes of staring at dan, i hear him grunt annoyingly, and his face turns to me with a cocky expression.

"what?" i bark and he just smirks a little bit more, looking back at the fire.

"i can feel you staring at me," he snorts and i feel my cheeks heating, despite of the low temperature. "take a picture honestly, it lasts longer,"

thank god he doesn't know that i've done that already.

aH this was so bad but ahabyxbehxbajs you know what was good????/?/???

tHe tAtinOf mOvies ahsgsbjz
(also, pls don't give any spoilers in the comment section for the people who haven't watched😊)

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