The Elixir of Life

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Olympias POV

"Urgh" I screamed, kicking the cardboard box along the floor until in toppled over, releasing all the stuff I'd packed into it.
Packing up for uni is hard. You gotta got all the stuff you've had for years, stick it into some boxes and then drag them way across the country - in my case, 200 miles.
It makes it a little easier knowing that I'll be nearer Rob again since his university is only a half an hour train journey from mine. We've been together just over a year and a half now, all ready for the next chapter. Don't think it's been easy though - I can't count how many times I'd have been content to push him out the nearest window or cried because I've missed him.
None of this makes packing any easier of course, while my room (and life) appeared organised i've turned it upside down while packing and my bedroom now resembles a bomb site.
This shouldn't have been so hard - it's only been a year since I packed my room at Mum and Dads house to move in with my sister - surely I didn't buy this many clothes! (The obvious conclusion here is that yes, I did buy that many clothes and no, I don't regret it.)
The frustration of choosing between belongings to take with me is driving me insane, I feel like no matter what I take I don't have everything I need but no matter what I sacrifice I don't have enough space!
Rob's supposed to be helping me too since he went through this last summer but has he been even remotely helpful? No. Of course not. He is a boy after all (no offence to any helpful boyfriends out there.)
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, something I've been learning to do while joining Elena for 'pregnancy yoga', obviously I'm not pregnant but it's supposed to be good for you.
Feeling just an ounce calmer I attempt to fill the box again. It seems the universe is set against me being able to fit the sloth Rob won for me at a fair into this box. I, however, have yet to let the universe get in my way.
With a reshuffle and a sacrifice of a cushion, I managed to fit Steve the Sloth into the box. With an accomplished sigh I taped it shut and stood up straight again, at least I've made some progress. Though looking at the clothes/bedding/shoes/more clothes strewn about my room you wouldn't know it.
I get some relief from knowing that I'm driving up to my uni accommodation in Robs car (thankfully not that bike) which has plenty of room in the boot for my junk.
Just as I'm planning my next move I hear the door open and close downstairs and footsteps making their way up, Rob better have a good reason for being 34 minutes late.
"Hey babe."
I huffed and crossed my arms in response, i wasn't gonna make it that easy for him.
"I brought you a caramel macchiato and a muffin."
Damnit, why did he have to know exactly what I wanted?
One look at him and all is forgiven, dark hair, broad shoulders, coffee in hand - and all mine (especially the coffee.)
He hands me the cup and sets the paper bag I assume has my muffin in down onto my desk. "I'm so sorry I'm late, had to get some stuff for my mum."
"It's okay, you brought coffee so I'll forgive you."
He grins at this and plants a kiss on my cheek, since my mouth was already chugging the caramel elixir of life that is caffeine (priorities.)
"How far have you got with it?" He asked while surveying the bedroom, "I'm guessing the Sophie's Choice of clothes has yet to take place?"
I place my coffee into the bedside table and sigh, falling back onto my bed.
"It's hard you know, I don't know yet what levels of dressiness are going to be required, how could I possibly decide?"
Rob rolls his eyes, "it's uni, there is no level of dressiness, if it's before 12 then everyone's in their pyjamas, if they're there at all."
I consider this, "but I don't even have any cute pyjamas."
Rob lifts one eyebrow in that sexy mischievous way that drives me crazy, "really? Don't you have that one set, you know with the lac-"
"Shhhhh!" I shout as my hands cover his mouth, shooting him a pointed glare.
As I remove my hands he laughs, now laying beside me on the bed, on top of my haphazard clothes.
Rob stands and holds out his hand,"come on, we've got work to do.@


Three hours and quite some tears (on my behalf) later, were all done. Some sacrifices had to be made with the clothes but I'm sure I'll survive (who knew I was so obsessed with clothes?), and it was time to get ready for my goodbye drinks at the local bar.
I'd chosen a black, wrap front midi dress and new cut out black heels to wear, both of which will later be shoved into a gap in my suitcase so they don't get left behind in the morning.
Rob left about half an hour ago to get ready and is due to pick me up in ten minutes when my phone vibrates with a message.
From: Rob💕
Make sure to have your muffin before you leave - can't be drinking on an empty stomach x
Sitting down at my now empty desk where he left the paper bag earlier I start to unwrap it, expecting a portion of chocolatey deliciousness imagine my surprise to find a screwed up wrapper and a little white Pandora box.
Inside the box was a beautiful rose gold ring and a note which read, in Robs scrawl "sorry about eating the muffin - couldn't resist! Hope you like the ring, wanted a little going away gift so that even when we're apart (which won't be that far) you'll know I'm always there. Love you Sleeping Beauty, see you soon, Rob"
A trail of tears tans down my cheeks and I cursed him for doing this after I'd put my make up on and perfected my contour! But I didn't even care about my illusive cheekbones right now as I cried with happiness.
Who knows that that school project all those months ago would get me here? About to leave for university with the love of my life, (now a non-smoker.)
No one knows what the future holds, but I'm pretty sure Rob has a starring role in mine.

Hi everyone! I am so sorry that this has taken so long, I've had exams and a boyfriend and moving to university and starting my course, and it's really no excuse but my Wattpad app hasn't been untouched for a while now.
Today I read a message from azizaemuh and it reminded me that I couldn't just leave you guys hanging - so here you go, the final instalment of How To Stop Smoking!!!
Thank you all for the support and votes and lovely messages, I love you all


How To Stop SmokingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora