Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Two weeks.

It'd been two weeks since Hannibal vanished, and each day felt like it was getting harder and harder. It was hard to get out of bed in the morning, hard to go about the day, like everything was normal, when it was so far from normal that it wasn't even on the same plane anymore. It was hard to stomach anything, knowing Hannibal could be out there, starving. I had given up cleaning the house and let the maid take care of it, and worst of all, was that I'd come home and find that she'd made me food that I couldn't bring myself to eat, and even when I nibbled, it just wasn't the same as having Hannibal make me food.

Abel would come every couple days to tell me how the progress was going in search of Hannibal, and every couple days, he would be forced to tell me that there wasn't even a single sighting. It was as if Hannibal had been completelyed wiped from existence, but that couldn't be possible-- not if Abel and I remembered him.

Kristoff and Bella had returned and tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked.

Nothing could drive away the suffocating agony of guilt and loneliness. Especially since it was all my fault. I shouldn't have kicked him out like that, and called him a monster. I knew how much that hurt him, especially after seeing that manager at the cafe call him that and watching Hannibal's eyes become stricken with pain. Even with that blank expression, he still managed to be emotional with those gorgeous mismatched eyes.

"Akin, get up, we're going out." Abel stated, interrupting my pity party. I grimaced when he flicked the lights on in my apartment. I hissed like a cat and ducked beneath my fluffy black blanket on the sofa to hide from it, but Abel ripped it off me and tossed it on the floor, making me groan.

"Leave me alone, Abel."

"No," He told me sternly, putting a hand on his hip and glaring down at me, "You can't keep laying in bed like this. It isn't productive. Besides, I might have an idea." I gave him an annoyed glare through my fingers.

"I don't want to dance or drink or anything... Okay, maybe drink, but only if it gets me drunk off my ass." I reminded, although, that idea didn't sound appealing considering I had just woken up from yet another night of obsessive drinking. The hangover was about as fun as serving dog guts to the poor. Abel rolled his eyes at me and leaned down to grab me by the arm, jerking me into a sitting position.

This way, I could see his outfit. Tight black leather pants, low slung and revealing his nice sharp hipbones. A black torn tank top over a long sleeved mesh shirt, a few glow sticks hanging from it near his shoulders and elbows. He looked adorable, as usual.

"Come on," Abel insisted, stepping back and snapping his fingers before making gestures for me to get up, "We're going to the club. You said you met Hannibal there, right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Sooo," Abel drawled, "What if he shows up there?"

"You're just trying to get me to get out of the house."

"That too. Now come on, get your ass up. They're still having their half off sale on booze because of that weird vampire holiday. Come on, come on. Giddy up." Abel urged, pushing me until I had no choice, but to stand up and have him shove me up the stairs to my loft. He left me to change, but I didn't put too much work into it. I just put my hair up into a ponytail, pulled on a long sleeved black shirt with a sleeveless long black jacket, and matching Tripp pants. I went back downstairs to meet Abel.

And I wasn't sure why.

I didn't want to go out. I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. I just wanted Hannibal to come back, but he wouldn't. Even if I wanted him to come back, he wouldn't be able to find me anymore because I stupidly wiped his memory of the location of my home. It pained me to the core of my soul that I could be so cruel. And that Hannibal could be so cruel for doing that to Abel. That bothered me too. I still wasn't sure what I'd say to him if we met up again.

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