Chapter 2

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Calla Stewart's POV

"Sorry Mr. King, I assure you that it won't happen again," I rushed out.

I gently placed the mug of coffee on his desk before standing up straight once again. I had not spilled even a single drop. When I spoke again I did not look up, but I made sure my voice was as clear as possible, "If you need anything else I will be at my desk."

With that I turned around and rushed out of his office, pulling the door closed quietly behind me. I let out a quivering sigh and went over to my new desk to sit down. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths once I sat down in my fancy rollie chair. Mr. King was a scary guy and I couldn't help the anxiety I felt when he raised his voice, which so far, was one-hundred percent of the time I had spoken with him.

I could hear him currently yelling at someone on the phone through the door. He was really unhappy about me being hired.

I took one last deep breath and began to look at what my desk held, ignoring the shaking of my hands caused by the man I would now be calling my boss. The top was clear of any documents for the moment, but I imagined that some would arrive soon. There was a computer monitor as well as a keyboard and mouse shifted to the right of the surface. I would most likely be spending most of my day on it.

On the left were a phone and some neatly arranged office supplies. I checked through each drawer but all were empty except one, which held only a stapler and hole puncher. I guess I would have to buy some more office supplies since the ones I had been supplied with were lacking. Just another expense to add to the list. Maybe I could find some extra ones somewhere in the building to cut some costs.

In all honesty, I didn't have much of an idea as to what a personal assistant did. It was was a complete surprise to get this job since I barely fit the credentials. However, I wasn't going to do anything to ruin this blessing of an opportunity. I was guessing that I was to basically keep Mr. King's work life organized. Schedule meetings, bring coffee, all of that usual stuff I saw in movies and such.

I began my work by turning on the computer to get acquainted with the new technology. It was not all that different than what I used when I had a computer, it just looked nicer and was way thinner. Thankful that I didn't have to teach myself how to use a computer of all things, I began searching around on it to give myself something to do.

After about an hour I had figured out the programs I was supposed to be using. I was about to open up some solitaire (cliché I know) when the phone made a beeping noise before Mr. King's voice came through, "Ms. Stewand please come to my office, I have some documents for you to go over."

His voice cut off and the phone beeped again. Wow, he couldn't even remember my name. I decided to let it go, there was no point in starting an argument over it. I knocked before entering just to be safe and entered after hearing him grunt in acknowledgment.

He immediately spoke up as I walked closer to his desk, "Jesus, Ms. Sterling how long does it take for you to walk the three meters to my office? You need to be as quick as possible."

Seriously, Sterling? That wasn't even close. "It's actually Stewart Mr. King, and I apologize for the wait" I spoke timidly, so as not to anger him.

"Whatever, just be quicker. Take these documents and get out of my office" he said without seeming to care about the conversation at all.


It took me until the end of the day to finish up with the documents Mr. King had given to me. It was 6:30 in the evening, otherwise known as when I was supposed to get off of work, so I began to gather up my belongings. I threw my purse over my shoulder and grabbed the documents I had finished up, then walked over to my boss's door.

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