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She slowly nods and lifts her head up more. Her face were caked of dirt. She only wears a white thin dress with her legs tucking underneath it. Her wrists red and raw from the sliver chains and it angers me so much that I wanted to break the chains and escape this hellhole. Her eyes blink tiredly, her long lashes brushing on blue-purplish bags below them. It hurts my heart to see like her in this way, locked in this dark room for many years and having none of the happy times with her family.

Soon, I will have revenge on the white-haired vampire. I will torture him and make sure he will feels great pain very slowly before I kill him. The females don't deserve this. We don't deserve this. My mom, the others, and I haven't done anything wrong to make this horrible night creature to hate us greatly. Maybe something happened to him that caused him to hate us.

And there's something different about this man. His eyes were unlike anything I have seen in my life. I don't smell the scent of Crow on him, only death and darkness that appears to control his body and made a border to keep out the positivities. I have this feeling in my guts that he's not a vampire, but somewhat more dangerous and powerful. More than the Shadow King. More than my father.

"Paige," Mom calls out to me with her raspy dry voice, drawing me back from my mind. "You had grew... Into a beautiful woman..."

"Oh, Mom." I softly shake my head, thinking of all the bad things that could've happened to my mom all of these years.

"Don't." She meets my eyes with such anger in her eyes which surprises me. "You must kill him... You're the only one... That can kill him..."

"How?" I ask, feeling my heart fluttering as hope grows in it. "How am I suppose to kill him? I lost the weapon that was destined to kill him when I shifted. There's no way I'll be able to kill him without that."

"He's not the only... One that's watching... And taking care of... The she-wolves..."


"Yes... He'll be here tonight..." And with that, she bows her head and her body relaxes. I can hear the soft breaths come out of her nose and I wish to be close to her.

She must be cold in that thin dress and without the warmth of her mate's. I lay out my legs to stretch them out, the bottom of my torn dress drapes across my thighs and can only provides little warmth. I sigh, resting my head back in the wall, feeling the cold on the back of my bare neck. I guess I'll have to wait till tonight to see who this man is. If he's a friendly, maybe I can try to convince him to save us, break us out, or anything. Or... I can try to get him find that weapon that's destined to kill this mad driven vampire.

I let the darkness comforts me with it black blanket, drawing me into sleep and dreams...

"Paige." Dad looks at me with concerns in his eyes. "You must know that there are bad people out in this world. They are mean, evil, and violence. But there is a reason for these acts of violent and evilness. Each of them had a pain in their souls that changes them completely. Like a boy lost his mother becomes a serial killer. Or a ghost that was murdered by someone and decides to haunts and hurt living people for revenge.

As you should see," Dad picks me up and sets me down on his laps. "All of these angry souls just need someone to listen to. They want someone to hear them out their pain, lost, or more. They want to share their pain and sufferings to others, hoping they will understand them and comfort them. You see, I was once a bad person because I had lost my mate. It had driven me insane and that caused me to let out of my beast, wanting to kill every single living things on earth. I wanted to kill the gods and goddesses.

I blink at him, not quiet understanding what he's talking about. I reach out and tugs his shirt, babbling with unknown words only babies can make. He chuckles and continues, "Once I had broken out, I was on my way to see Odin until I found your mother. I was given a second chance to have another life. My sons had grew and moved on without me because I was not there to watch them grow. I thanked the Moon Goddess for letting me have another chance to watch my child grow.

All of my anger disappears from my mind when your mother comforts me with her kindness and understanding. She makes me forget about the loss of my first mate and how badly I wanted to destroy the world."

I babble some more, this time I tug on his watch that he always wears on his right wrist. He push the stray piece of hair behind my ear and softly whisper, "We all have something in common in us. No matter how hard we try to be positive, we always end up being negative. We may be good people, but we all have a demon in us..."

I jolt awake from my deep slumber, feeling the beads of sweat on my forehead trying to cool down my heated body. I finally discover what I'm missing this whole time. The white-haired vampire's eyes, his skins, his hair, and his movements. The way he spoke with venoms in his voice, how it made me want to kill him.

"He's a fucking demon vampire." I say breathlessly and almost soundless.

I catch movement in the dark and I tense, staring up to meet light green eyes that glow in the dark. I hear it say, "Yes, he is."

Hi, guys. I want to say that I'm sorry for not being able to update in three weeks. I feel bad about it and so yeah. I'm trying to study to get in Running Start so I can get two years of college credits for free. Gosh, I hate it. Anyway, happy early Halloween and don't let the monsters get ya.
Comment and vote, thanks.

The Last She-Wolf: Book One Of The Last Supernatural (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now