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4. First Interaction

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"Father I have told you many times before now is not the right time for me to search for a suitable bride," Prince Alexander stated trying to weaken his stubborn father's demands.

"Darling please let's not shout it's the morning for pity's sake," Queen Clarissa said softly, trying to calm both her son and husband at the same time.

The three of them were seated in the grand dining hall enjoying a delicious breakfast which had earlier been prepared for them by the servants.

King William tutted irritated by his family, "You can't go on ignoring my demands Alexander. When I die, God forbid, you will need a wife by your side as you rule so that you can produce heirs for the throne."

Alexander rolled his eyes. All his life his father had made demand after demand for him to follow and now at the age of twenty two he'd grown inpatient of said demands.

His father relentlessly ignored the fact that Alexander had grown into his own person and was not the little boy he used to be. His father became more and more consistent with how he wanted Alexander to rule when the time comes, whereas Alexander wanted to be the complete opposite of his father and rule how he thinks commendable.

The King saw that the discussion would not progress to his level of satisfaction so he abruptly stood up from the table catching the attention of everyone in the room including the servants that stand silently around the edge of the room.

"I see that you remain as disobedient as always Alexander so I shall give you some time to think my proposal over." He wiped his mouth of his napkin before throwing it down onto the table and storming out of the room.

Alexander watched the door close loudly behind his tyrant father, "You know where he's going don't you?" He said through gritted teeth.

His mother fidgeted awkwardly in her seat opposite her son, "Ignore it Alexander I do," She says picking up her glass of wine.

"How could I possible ignore it, he has his mistress living in our castle. Doesn't the fact that he practically dangles her in front of you hurt you?" He demanded looking straight into his mother's eyes.

"Mother!" Mother come quickly!" The sound of Georgiana's voice filled the tense silence between Alexander and his mother. The doors to the dining hall opened and one of Lady Georgiana's guards entered, "Your Majesty's I'm sorry to interrupt your breakfast but Lady Georgiana demands your assistance with a young lady she found in the woods." The guard heavily pants; trying his best to catch his breath long enough to inform the Queen.

"What on earth is Georgiana thinking bringing a random girl into the castle?" Queen Clarissa said shocked at the information.

She beckoned Alexander to follow her as she rushed after the guard in search of Georgiana. The guards must have already taken the girl up to one of the spare guest rooms because they followed the guard up to the second floor of the castle.

The guard approached the door of one of the guest rooms and the door is flung open by a frantic Georgina.

"Oh Mother, we must help her!" Her voice laced with panic and dread.

"What has happened my child?" Queen Clarissa asks gently.

"Quickly Mother, she's chilled to the bone we must hurry to get her warm once more."

"Mary, run a bath for the poor girl!" The Queen shouted as she entered the room.

Georgiana looked up at Alexander who was standing a few feet away from the door looking worried.

"I'll call you in as soon as I know she is well. She's the prettiest girl I've ever seen brother, you should prepare yourself for her beauty I'm sure it'll shock you as much maybe even more than it did me!" Georgiana giggled shutting the door on a taken aback Alexander.

Great now even his sister is in on his father's plans to find him a suitable wife.

On the other side of the door Mary, the chamber maid helped undress the poor drowsy girl out of her cold clothes.

"My lady, if you don't mind me asking where did you find this girl, for she has scratches all over her arms and legs?" Mary asked Georgiana as they place the girl into the warm bath.

"I found her in the woods; before she collapsed she said her name was Rosalie. She's harmless mother," Georgiana explained whilst helping Mary to wash Rosalie's hair.

"Of course my child. She can't be much younger than you. I wonder why she was out in the woods by herself, it's far from safe?"

The room filled with a peaceful silence and the only noise was the water splashing in ripples as they helped to wash the vulnerable girl.

"Rosalie can you hear us?" Georgiana whispered gently into Rosalie's ear.

The candle lit room allowed the three of them to see the quick flicker behind Rosalie's eyelids but she didn't go on to open her eyes.

The Queen pointed to a small cupboard at the back of the room, "Quickly Mary pass me some smelling salts, they will help to bring her round." Mary dashed over to the cupboard and found the salts.

The Queen placed the small bottle under Rosalie's nose and the three of them waited in silence.

Rosalie's eyes flickered open slowly and she took in a big breath of air. Her eyes widened in shock as she realised she was surrounded by water. Her hands came up from underneath the water and gripped the sides of the bath.

"It's okay Rosalie, you are safe with us," Queen Clarissa said gently tucking the loose trails of hair which hung over Rosalie's face.

As Rose took in the unfamiliar room and the three wide eyed people around her, her whole body started to shake violently.

"Oh dear, she must has caught a cold. Quickly lets get her out of the water and into some warm clothes," Mary said pulling Rosalie out of the bath, covering her body with a large sheet.

Rosalie's teeth chatter frantically as the women dressed her and pull back the covers on the bed. Once she was lying on her back, safely tucking underneath the thick covers, Mary placed a saucepan of hot water at the end of her bed.

"To keep your feet warm my dear," Mary answered Rosalie's silent question.

Nearly twenty minutes pass before Rosalie falls quietly into a deep sleep.

"I'm going to fetch Alexander, I'm sure he's anxious to know what has happened." Georgiana said before slipping out into the corridor.

Prince Alexander had been waiting patiently in the corridor for some time before his sister returned.

"What took you so long?" He asked impatiently.

"She's caught a nasty chill," Georgiana said, "It took us awhile to get her to go to sleep," She grabbed Alexander's arm and lead him into the bed chamber.

The candle lit room is a contrast to the dark corridor in which he had been silently waiting. He noticed his mother helping the maid tidy the room. His eyes flickered from them to the sleeping girl in the bed.

Her golden hair was spread across the numerous pillows helping to prop up her pale body. Her slender face was almost white expect for a slight tinge of pink in her cheeks causing her to look windswept. His eyes flicker down to her lips. His feet, by their own accord, carry him to the side of the large bed and his hand reached out and touched her plump rose lips gracefully.

They were the reddest lips he had ever beheld and this mysterious girl's beauty blew his mind. He had never seen someone look so innocent and pure.

"What did I tell you brother?" The voice of his younger sister beside him brought him out of his daze.

He looked around to see Georgiana smiling brightly beside him, her eyes flickering to Rosalie and then back to him.

He rolled his eyes at her before walking swiftly out of the room.

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