August 11 2014

13 0 0

Well I guess we're not taking the houseboat out of the slip..? We've only got 6 days left out here, so I don't see the point. And I honestly don't care either way. I just wanna go out and DO SOMETHING. I've gone swimming once, and gone out of the boat once. Other than that, I've basically sat on my butt the whole time. And the days are really long. Today just seemed to pass by so slowly, but that was probably just because of the crappy weather that made us have to stay inside. Well, we didn't HAVE TO, but the flies were impossible, and the boat was rocking like there would be no tomorrow. But I did have to stay in for a little, because I had a nosebleed. It could've been really bad, but I caught it pretty early so I didn't bleed on anything other than my hand. It was funny, because Riley was freaking out, like, "YOU'RE BLEEDING SO MUCH!!" And I was just kinda goin, "Please just bring me the paper towels.." It's nice to know he cares. But yeah. Dad wanted me inside after because he was worried I'd fall off the boat. I'm not sure.

Evolution Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon