Chapter 8

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Heidi ^^


I forgot what was so important I needed to tell Lance the next morning. I'm like 78% sure I hallucinated the vampire. They did exist, but they wouldn't be here? Werewolves hated vampires and vice versa.

I was standing in front of the large mirror in my room, psyching myself up.

My heart sped up thinking about tell Lance who I am. I needed to tell him. It was the test to see if Lance would accept me or not, and I am willing to take that test. Whatever happens, happens.

I looked in my mirror and muttered, "I need to tell you something about who I am."

I just needed to get to the words out. And the rest will follow. Hopefully if I explain myself, he'll believe me. I was scared before that no one was going to believe me, but my own mate had to.


I get out of my room, summing up all my nerves up the stairs to go to Lance's office.

"Luna," Cole came behind from me, and I swallowed a little, now knowing what he was capable of doing. He just broke someone's arm yesterday because they were about to come at me. I don't even want to think about what else he could do.

"Hiya. Do you know where the Alpha is?" I ask, even though I was already going up the stairs to where he lived on the third floor. Cole's face flickers of something briefly. "What is it?"

"There's....another Alpha that had a surprise visit," Cole answers.

I go to a complete stop. Cole notices and looks at me strangely. "W-which Alpha?" I stutter. Dread filled me, and I felt like I couldn't breath.

"Luna? Are you-"

My pounding headache came to me. Something shattering, and I feel like I couldn't move and my vision blurred

I fell into darkness.



"She just fell down- maybe she was hungry?" a familiar voice says. Bo.

I don't even want to open my eyes because then I'll have to deal with real life. Maybe I can just fake coma for years and can run away from my problems this way? It has to work.

"Meredith?" Bo whispers. "If you can hear me twitch your fingers."

I couldn't hide the smile and they'd know I'm lying about sleeping so I open my eyes and fake a deep breath as if I just woke up.

The first person I see if Bo staring at me with his big brown eyes, and when he sees my eyes open he smiles, showing his two big dimples.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" he shouts.

"I'm alive," I cough, needing some water. Bo quickly grabs a glass from the table stand next to me and hands it to me. I take it, taking a huge chug.

"What happened? How are you feeling? Hope needs her baby mama, you know."

I smile thinking about our little cute pup. "I'm good, I don't know, I just..." I trail off. The surprise Alpha. My heart constricts. Is it Trent or Steven? They said they'd visit, didn't they?

"Oh Luna!" I notice Raquel, from when I met her at the mall when I was with Cole, walk in the room with a white coat. She's the pack doctor. "I'm so glad you're up. It's been two days."

I open my mouth. "WHAT."

"Lance tried staying with you the entire time, but since Alpha Heidi came for something important, he's at the meeting right now with her," Bo says slowly.

The Demon Alpha (Stryders #1) - PUBLISHEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz