Rosalie's point of view (Chapter 20)

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Hey guys I just wanted to say Rosalie's point of view is kinda just like the prologue except in Rosalie's point of view and not Elena's but I still hope you like it.........

I was sitting on the couch reading a clothes magazine trying to get my mind off my baby. And by my baby I mean Elena and yes I know she's Esme's baby girl but ever since I saw Elena I felt a motherly pull towards her. I miss Elena so does everyone else I can tell. But I don't think Edward does because he's STILL hanging out with that stupid Swan girl. And no I didn't kill Edward Carlisle stopped me. He said that if I kill Edward that it will hurt Elena where ever she is. Then I wanted to kill the Swan girl but Carlisle said no AGAIN because he said it will break the treaty killing a human. Stupid treaty. Anyway I'm sitting on the couch reading a clothes magazine. I just finished reading the magazine so I got off the couch and started walking upstairs. I stopped, looked at the wall and saw all the pictures of the family. I smiled when I saw my favorite picture of me and Elena. I remember the day because it was the day Elena became a part of our family...........

Flash Back

I was sitting on the couch filing my nails when all of sudden Alice jumped up and squealed. Jasper was at her side in a second and he said "Alice what happen?''. "They found a baby.'' Alice said still in a dace. "What do you mean? Who found a baby?'' I asked. "I don't know much but I do know Esme found a baby girl left alone in the forest from what I saw she only looked about a month old.'' said Alice. "Who would leave a baby girl in the forest?'' Emmett asked to himself. Right after Emmett said that I heard something outside meaning Esme and Carlisle are back from hunting. Alice must of heard too because she speeded to the front door and opened it before Esme could then Alice said "I knew I was right when I saw you with a baby Esme.''. Carlisle walked into the room then Alice and then Esme walked in carrying with none other than a baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket. "So Alice was kidding when she said you found a baby.'' said Emmett. "Where did you find her?'' I asked. Esme looked down at the baby smiled and said "We were hunting when I heard something, I went to check it out when I saw her lying on a broken tree someone must have left her there. I fell in love right when she smiled at me so did Carlisle.''. I wanted to hold her but I was too scared. All of a sudden I felt a wave of calmness. I looked at Jasper and smiled telling him thank you. He smiled. I stood up, looked at the baby then back at Esme then I said "C-can I see her.''. Esme nodded. I slowly walked over and picked the baby out of Esme's arms and rocked her back and forth. I was just slowly rocking her back and forth still scared when all of a sudden she smiled at me. I looked at her in awe and fell in love right then. I was just looking at her smiling when Esme said "I'm guessing you fell in love too.''. I nodded. Alice ran over to me and said "Can I see her Rosalie?''. I nodded. I handed her to Alice and Alice smiled and said "Awww aren't you a cutie I can't wait to dress you up.'' . The baby girl smiled and clapped her hands which made me smile bigger. Jasper who was leaning against the wall obliviously trying not to get too close to the baby all of sudden said "Can I see her Alice?''. Alice looked up from the baby. "Are you sure Jasper?'' Alice asked obliviously scared and surprised at the same time. Jasper hesitated before nodding. I trust Jasper there is no doubt about that but Jasper still has a hard time controlling himself around blood. Alice walked over and handed the baby to Jasper. Jasper held her in his arms with a pained expression. I saw the baby smile at him just like she smiled at me and all of a sudden a giant smile grew on his face. "What happen Jasper?'' asked Alice. "I feel her emotions but stronger than anyone else so since she happy I'm happy she like controlling my emotions.'' Jasper said as he still smiled at the baby. "That's interesting.'' Carlisle said in shock and amazement. "Can I hold her Jasper?'' asked Emmett. Jasper nodded and handed her to Emmett. Emmett didn't even need her to smile at him he was already smiling at her. "Where's Edward?'' asked Esme. "He'll be'' said Alice. Right when Alice said now the front door opened and I heard Edward walking up the stairs. Edward into the room and said "What's going on?''. I glanced at the baby when Edward talked and her eyes filled with that's weird. "Esme found a baby in the woods someone left her you want to see her.'' Alice said with pure excitement. Edward shook his head and said "I'm good.''. I was still had my eyes on the baby when her eyes filled with sadness when Edward said that. "Oh come on Edward I swear to you you'll fall in love soon as you see her.'' said Alice. Edward sighed in defeat before slowly walking over to Emmett who was still holding the baby. Edward was just staring at her when he slowly brought his hand to her face and touched her cheek. They were both looking into each other eyes when the baby smiled and grabbed his finger with her small hand. What's going.........No. No. No he didn't. "Edward you didn't?!'' I said with anger. Edward must of realized what he done and what I meant because he said "You think I meant to do that?!''. "She only a month old Edward!'' I said with my anger rising. "You know I can't control it!'' Edward said as he glanced the baby girl. In a second I had Edward held against the wall with my hands on his neck. When my hold on his neck started to tighten all of a sudden I heard a small voice say "No. No you don't hurt him.''. Everyone looked at the small little month old baby girl in Emmett's arms in shock. I released Edward and he said in shock "I thought you said she was only a month old.''. "She is.'' I also said in shock. In a second Carlisle was by her he looked at her before saying "I want to try something. Are you hungry?''. The baby thought for a moment before nodding her head. Carlisle speeded away before speeding away and then coming back with a Styrofoam cup that had a lid and a straw. I tried to smell what was in the cup but I couldn't for an odd reason. "Emmett can you feed her?'' asked Carlisle. Emmett nodded, took the cup from Carlisle, brought the straw to the baby's lips and feed her. I heard a sound meaning she drank it all. Emmett brought the baby to his shoulder and lightly patted her back. I smiled when she burped. "Wow he's a natural with her.'' I thought in shock not knowing Emmett was good with taking care of a baby. Edward looked at me and nodded meaning he heard my thought. "Carlisle what did you give her?'' Alice asked what all of us probably were thinking. "Milk mixed with a little blood.'' Carlisle said as he sounded like he was trying to figure something out. "What's this mean?'' I asked in confusion. "I hear a heart beat, she drink blood she must be a hybrid half vampire half human.'' Carlisle said in amazement. "How?'' asked Emmett. "Her parents one must be a vampire one must be human I have to look into it because I've only heard legends about this.'' Carlisle said with pure amazement. "But can we keep her?'' asked Jasper. The baby crossed her small little arms and Edward laughed all of a sudden. Edward raised an eyebrow and said "Bell sounding dude?''. "I think Edward's talking to her in her head.'' said Alice. Edward nodded and said "I am.''. "What's she saying?'' I asked. "She wants to know our names.'' said Edward. I watched as one by one Edward introduced us to the baby girl. I laughed at her nicknames for us. All of a sudden Edward laughed and said "It's Edward.''. Edward laughed again and said "I'm glad you like it but the question is what your name is.''. The baby looked down and Edward said "Let's change that shall we.''. Alice started jumping up and down then she finally said "I got it. I got it.....Elena Rose Cullen.''. Edward looked at the baby and said "You like that Elena Rose Cullen?''. She thought for a moment before she nodded her head smiled and clapped her hands. Everyone smiled then Edward said with pure happiness in his voice "Well welcome to the family Elena Rose Cullen.''.

Hey guys that was the last point of view chapter the next chapter is back to the story and like I said before in the last chapter the next chapter after this one is going to be a mix of Edward, Elena and MAYBE Damon's point of view. But I need your opinion should I put Damon's point of view in the next chapter so you guys can see how he feels about Elena and what happen on Elena and Damon's hiking trip yeah I bet you guys forgot about that hehehehe. Anyway please comment and tell me what you think.........till next time..........bye

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