Keep Holding On

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Every one left about an hour ago. I was sitting in the kitchen with a bottle of something cheep and a shot glass. As  I went to slam it down the glass was taken out of my hands. "And you are cut off Lilly." Lance said as he poured it down the sink. "Why didn't you tell me he would be here?" I asked as I put my head in the table. "You said you were over it. It seams you aren't."

"I am!" I said in a harsh tone. Normally I would have watched it, but since his mate Angelica and daughter Clara went home I couldn't give two shits. "Then why are you drinking cheep stuff?" It wasn't my fault that was all dad bought. I guess since mom got diagnosed though he stopped drinking. He was never an alcoholic but once in a while he would drink. "It's all Dad has." I muttered.

Lance took a seat by me. "Why were you talking to Alpha Hunt?" He just had to bring him up. If there was one thing I wanted to forget it was my, encounter with him last night. "He saw Ryan and I talking and came over. You know because Ryan is his Beta." I tried to reach for the bottle in Lance's hand but he pulled it away. "Plus I may have grinned on him last night." That was the one thing about my twin and I. We were comfortable telling each other everything.

"Go to bed Lilly." I just sighed and trudged up to my room. Even in my alcohol tainted brain I was able to see a reality. My reality was that in three months I would be dead, and there would be another funeral for my family to go through. When I thought about it the best I could do was pull off the dress and fall right onto my bed in my undergarments.

Dreams didn't come for me at all during the night. When I came to blankets covered my body and my ceiling fan stared down on me. I peeled myself off the bed and threw a hoodie on with some spandex. As I was walking into the living room I saw Alice making out with her mate. "Doesn't he have a house?" I asked and they broke it off. "Lilly, I'm sorry! I didn't see you there." As I saw her mate's face turn red I smirked. "I should go." He actually got up and left.

"Lilly if I had known you were there I wouldn't have done that." I just put a hand up to stop her. "Alice don't be sorry. You found your mate and should be happy." When ever I said the word mate my wolf seriously whimpered. Like really?! My wolf needs to toughen the hell up like I did. "Don't you feel sad though when you see Lance or I with our mates?"

Alice was twelve when everything happened with me. She doesn't understand it too much and I am glad she didn't. "I learned to bury that and ignore my wolf's feelings a long time ago Alice." Sometimes they didn't get it. When everything you know is shattered, it takes time to piece together a new you. With any luck the new you is not a worse version of your previous self. "Lance go home last night?" I asked as I poured a bowl of cereal.

"Yeah. He left shortly before midnight." That was when I noticed the love mark on my little sisters neck. "Cover that up sis. You know unless you want our father to have a heart attack." Her face turned a scarlet red. "I have no idea what your talking about." I just sort of tapped my neck where the hickey was on her neck and she turned an even darker shade of red. "You were cooler when you were in Europe." She said once I turned my back.

I knew she didn't mean it but it still bothered me to an extent. "I'm going out for a run later. Make sure dad knows so he doesn't freak out." Ever since the whole ordeal with being rejected he got worried when ever I didn't contact him or tell him where I was. As soon as I finished my cereal I went to change into some running shorts, (which my dad would say are completely too short because in his mind I'm still his little girl), and a sports bra.

As I walked out the door I pulled my hair into a pony tail. The streets were quiet, apart from a few cars that passed by. Normally I would run in the woods but today I just ran in town. Well, actually I ran two towns over. Towns around here were only about two square miles. Being a werewolf it wasn't hard to run six miles. I barley broke a sweat as I passed people.

Suddenly I felt a wolf run next to me. "Aren't you a little far from home?" Clarke asked. I was probably in his territory. "My guards wanted to attack you. You should be more carful." His smirk got under my skin a bit. My wolf perked up a bit at his smile. "I'm dying soon anyway so I don't care about being carful." I sprinted past him and through the woods. He caught up in no time of course because he is an alpha but it felt good to have a man chase me.

Maybe I could play around with him for a few months but that would cause more damage than good. I mean most young Alpha's I've encountered have been players and arrogant. A single hook up wouldn't matter to them. Around these parts it was different though. Here the Beta's were more players than the Alpha's. You know like Ryan.

Which, speak of the devil, Ryan appeared. "Clarke, the wolf," his eyes landed on me. "Don't worry. Your mate was just out for a run." Clarke defended. "Ex-mate." Ryan and I both said together. "You should go home Lilly." Ryan said. "Look, I don't take orders from you. In fact the only time I acknowledge your existence Ryan is when my wolf is being a whiny bitch over you." Clarke actually laughed a bit. Ryan stalked over to me. "Watch what you say Lilly."

"Okay Ryan, back down." Clarke ordered him. As of right now the score stands me two, Ryan zero. "Remember, you rejected her. You have no control or say in what she does or doesn't do." It was sort of satisfying having an Alpha take my side. They did their whole pack mind thing and I got bored. I turned to run back. "Lilly, why don't you stay a bit." Clarke offered. "Sorry, not in the mood to watch you and your Beta have a dick measuring contest." If my experience with the European wolves taught me one thing, it was when an Alpha and Beta constantly communicate in their minds when someone is present it usually is a dick measuring contest.

"Then come for lunch." Ryan actually growled. If he lived three towns over I could at least make my last three months fun. Mostly that meant pissing off Ryan. "Sure."

Running out of Time (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now