chapter 15

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Lisa's Point of View:

The picture that I saw created a hundreds of question in my mind. More of wonder and astonieshment of how the Don was a different man before. Gone are those eyes that sparkles with a happy contentment and now replaced with malicious flash in those emerald eyes and that permanent smirk that doesn't reach his eyes.

What happened to him? Where is the girl in the picture now? Is she his sister, a friend or perhaps his lover?

Different questions showers my mind that my consciousness starts to drift and my already tired eyes involuntarily close to rest. My eyes are already shutted when a sudden noise outside the room startles me causing my hazed mind to be alert. My body stiffens when the door opens indicating his return. He's been out so late. I believe it is almost the time that the first glimpse of light breaks the forever darkness of the sky.

I feel the other side of the bed dips from his weight leaving me astounded and in torned if I should leave the bed now or not. Good thing my face is facing the opposite way, hiding my anxious face.

My attention is now focused and alert from the absence of any form of security. His strong presence made me reluctant to make any kind of movement. As my whole focus is towards this tyrant, I then realized some of the things that I didn't notice when he entered the room. His close proximity made me smell the reeking alcohol emitting from him and his restless turning and movement of his limbs drives me into a conclusion: He is drunk and a floral fragnance of a girl's perfume emits from him masking his usual masculine scent that I'm now acquianted with.

I believe the Don had a very fun night, I thought sarcastically. The Don steers and suddenly flail his arms extending it to me dropping the its weight to the back of my waist, almost hitting my bruised ass. When he felt my presence to which I'm not sure if he knows it's me, he creeps even closer towards me pulling my fragile body. His arm is now wrapped to my waist and his face to my horror is burried to the back of my neck. We are now in a spoon position, the Don cuddling me like a pillow. The warmth of his body radiates to my cold and clammy skin making me somehow comfortable besides the repulsion I have from the thought of him touching me again.

"Mine." He slurrs.

My body shudders from his drunken words not allowing me to sleep not even in a wink as my mind wanders in perturbation till sunrise.


The Don wakes up past noon with a blaring headache and a very sour mood. His bad mood is infectious passing it to everyone in the mansion. Good thing I was back in my room when he woke up, getting me anxious if my escape from his room will encourage him to punish me again. A knock from my door heightened my worries which increases even more when it was Dorothy.

"I suggest that you shold stay away from his eyes as of the moment. His mood isn't exactly positive today." Dorothy warns me. She didn't wait for my response as she walked away immediately.

Dread overfills my emotions as I pace back and forth in my room. My trepidation lessens in every hour that passes, reconciling myself that maybe he forgot about me. But when the time strikes six in the evening my wrist gadget starts to alarm from a message that tells that I'm being called by no other than the devil himself. I wasted no time though with a heavy heart to meet the Don.

The sound of laughter resonated the whole room welcoming me when I enter the room. Reluctance is very apparent in my stance as my nerves are killing me. Fortunately, the Don's mood appears to be uplifted by the looks of his conversation with Nicole.

My entrance caught their attention making them halt their conversation. As soon as the Don noticed me, his brows starts to knit together.

"Oh, there she is! My very obedient Lisa." Snarls the Don with full sarcasm.

RESTRAINT | H.S. AU (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now