Final Note

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Hi Guys! Spiszy here!

Now that I've finally published all the chapters of Lady in Rags, I want to say a big thank you to everyone who ever read, voted, commented, or added it to their library. I wanna say an especial thank you to the few people who stuck with it from almost the beginning a year ago. You guys are awesome. I had no idea how much support I would get on Wattpad. It really blew me away.

I also want to say that the ending of the epilogue is a pretty big hint that I'm planning a story so that Richard can get his happy ending too - well, I am. I've had quite a few people ask me about that, and I like Richard a lot too, so he's going to get his own story. It'll probably appear some time end of next year. But I'm not going to put any firm date on it yet, because I have only just started planing.

I also had a few people ask me if I'm ever going to publish or remove this book from Wattpad - the answer is No, in both cases. I have absolutely no intention to publish Lady in Rags. And, since so many people liked it, I'm certainly not going to remove it from Wattpad.

So what am I going to do next?

Well, I'm going to write more books. At least four of them. And then I'm going to come back and publish them on Wattpad. But what I'm not going to do is publish them chapter by chapter as I'm writing them - which is how I published about the last half of Lady in Rags. I'm going to complete them first, edit them, and then post them. At the moment I've got one half-finished and another fully planned out and ready to go. I probably won't be ready to be putting either one up here until February or March next year. And in the mean time, over the next couple of months, I won't be checking Wattpad very frequently, and even in the times when I do, honestly, it's really easy to lose track of comments in my inbox. If you do have something important to say, or something that you really want to make sure I hear, please PM me. PMs are the only thing I can be sure I will see.

Anyway, I'm really happy you guys enjoyed the book. Thank you again for reading :) I don't think I ever would have completed it if I hadn't had an audience, and I don't think I would have ever realized that I could write a finished novel if I hadn't, well, finished one.

<3 Spiszy

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